
发布于 2022-09-04到 Mirror 阅读


This song is a blue-ringed octopus. Majestically floating along you don’t think too much about this blue hued creature but this bad boy has enough toxins to take out 26 people. Imagine the whole Wu-Tang clan getting snuffed out by an octopus? Wild right, could happen though, RZA thinks that a company retreat style getaway would be good for the Dojo morale. He books a trip to the South Pacific, they all go snorkling and then wham this song comes out of nowhere and takes out the full chorus of the M.E.T.H.O.D. man song. Wilder things have happened to lesser known people, I’m just saying. Either way, this song creeps up on you in a way that is unsuspecting and potent all in one motion. Enjoy your Sunday!

Cosign: Beam | Curated by DiscoveringES
