
发布于 2021-10-29到 Mirror 阅读

How Async Music works: a quick 1 minute guide feat. MozartBeats

Async Music is one of my favorite ways to experience and collect music NFTs! Just like its predecessor Async Art, Async Music is programmable art— “music with the ability to change its composition.”

Terms to know:

Master Track

The Master Track NFT is the main audio and image that are determined by the current owners of the individual stems.

The current Master Track is on stem mix 2032. Art by Mankind.


Each stem is a unique layer that is also a separate and ownable NFT.

Using MozartBeats as an example, each stem is a different instrument in the string quartet. It’s the combination of stems and their current states that make up the live Master Track at any given time.

Each stem represents unique audio and art


Within each stem, there can be up to 9 different variants.

The owner of the stem has the ability to choose which variant is active on the live Master Track. In MozartBeats, each instrument has 4 different variations or ways of performing the piece.

Each stem has multiple variations

Blank Records

As an audience member, Black Records are the NFTs that you collect. It allows you to take a snapshot of the live mix which is the current state of the song.

Gold and Silver blank records that can be used for recording mixes

With a lot of different moving parts, Async Music brings music NFTs to life as they are shifting and changing. One day the master mix will sound calm and mellow, and then the next day it’ll sound upbeat and bouncy. Sometimes even lyrics will be completely different!

Async Music offers a novel experience to music NFTs that always keep you coming back listening and waiting for the perfect mix.

This micro-essay is 008 of #ship30for30 challenge.