
发布于 2024-05-01到 Mirror 阅读

The Rollup Coaster #25

The Rollup Coaster is a bi-weekly newsletter that dives into the fascinating world of Ethereum, exploring the latest in rollups, zero-knowledge proofs, based sequencing/preconfirmations, MEV/PBS/SUAVE, and much more.

This edition is written by Taiko’s Community Advocate Jünger.

Hold on tight! 🎢

Disclaimer: This newsletter is neither financial advice, nor is indicative of Taiko’s position on any of the material presented. Please do your own research.

Highlights 🎢

  • Vitalik shared a blog post about Binius, a highly efficient proofs over binary fields. Thanks to binary fields, hardware-friendly proofs are now a reality!

  • Offchain Labs disclosed some vulnerabilities in the OP Stack fault proofs. These vulnerabilities allowed attackers to claim dishonest rewards.

ZK and rollup research 🧙

  • Irreducible (Ulvetanna rebranded to Irreducible) shared a blog post introducing the FPGA-accelerated Polygon zkEVM prover. 40% faster than previously reported by Polygon’s zkProver.

  • Andrija Novakovic (Geometry Research) and Liam Eagen (Zeta) shared a paper on how to optimize pairings in snarks and on-chain verifiers, by removing final exponentiation: On Proving Pairs.

  • Paradigm published an article explaining the roadmap of Reth to scale Ethereum. The article also suggested the term "gas per second" instead of "transaction per second" for performance metrics.

  • Cysic organized a panel discussion on ZK-ASIC with Justin Drake, Ye Zhang, and more. The recording is available here.

  • Verifying Nova proofs onchain in Ethereum is now a reality! Sonobe aims to provide a modular library that implements different folding schemes.

  • Notes on ZK-friendliness of Verkle Trees by Lubarov from Polygon.

  • New research paper by PSE: “Greco: Fast Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Valid FHE RLWE Ciphertexts Formation”.

  • Bonsol: Verifiable Compute for Solana. Bonsol allows to create a verifiable executable over private and public data and integrate the results into Solana smart contracts.

  • Sin7y (the team behind Ola zkVMshared a detailed study and comparison of the two generations of Poseidon hash functions used in Plonky2 and Plonky3.

  • Tamatran opened a discussion on the financial market of blobspace. Thanks to this design, rollups can hedge their costs when they are posting blobs.

ZK and rollup updates 🗞️

  • RiscZero introduced Steel: View call proof library.

  • Worldcoin announced its own rollup with OP Stack infrastructure.

  • ICICLE v2 update by Ingonyama.

  • Matter Labs open-sourced the LLVM Compiler.

  • Delphinius open-sourced the ZKWASM prover.

  • Scroll has announced Bernoulli upgrade that pushed blobs on Scroll.

  • Zama announced the latest updates about its products(tFHE, fhEVM).

Based sequencing and preconfirmations 😎

  • Primev shared two blog posts in the previous two weeks: The first post examines current models for an Ethereum preconfirmation auction.

  • The second post focuses on blob posting strategies used by blob producers and provides quantitative analysis for strategy efficiency metrics such as how fast a blob is included in a slot and the priority fee premium paid for that slot inclusion rate.

  • The LimeChain team shared a new design of based sequencing. This design retains the basic structure of native-based sequencing, but has more detailed explanations of the cold-start problem by providing higher incentives for early participants.

Restaking/proof-prover-verifier markets🗿


Additional resources 📚

Meme of the week 😆

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