GTON Capital

发布于 2022-07-07到 Mirror 阅读

GTON Capital Partners With DIA

GTON Capital partners with DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) to provide a more reliable and secure data on GTON Network.

We’re excited to announce the partnership between GTON Capital and DIA – a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3. GTON Capital will integrate DIA’s transparent and reliable data and oracle infrastructure into GTON Network which will enable a more transparent and secure DeFi ecosystem.

GTON Network has its own EVM optimistic rollup solution. In order to make it usable for DefI developers the task of price feeds delivery must be solved.

There are two issues with centralization for the data feeds: 1. the data source and its aggregation, 2. on-chain delivery and on-chain data aggregation. First is solving the issue of wrong data from origin data source: website, exchange, aggregator. Second is solving the issue of malicious data providers: oracle, rpc, connector, smart contract.

DIA, the end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform, is solving both issues.

First we’ll start with the most used price feeds, like Ethereum:

. More price feeds will be integrated later on.

Initially GTON Capital will utilize aggregated data sources from DIA’s API.  Later on, we’ll start working on integrating DIA's price oracle smart contracts into GTON Capital DONs (decentralised oracle networks).

GTON token price feed is already available on DIA:

Recently DIA announced the launch of DIA xFloor, an NFT floor price oracle suite, which will be utilised for DeFi&NFT protocols on GCNet.

This integration arrives just in the right time, before GTON Network mainnet launch, allowing us to enhance the GTON Network infrastructure with the DIA technology before the network's full-fledged release.

P.S.: congratulation our new partner DIA with its milestone as a DAO 🎉👏

About DIA Protocol

DIA is a multi-chain, end-to-end, open-source data and oracle platform for Web3.

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About GTON Capital

GTON Network - an Ethereum scaling solution (L2-Rollup) which is utilising its own collateralized stablecoins as a gas currency.

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