Atoms Research

发布于 2023-03-24到 Mirror 阅读

How to interact with Threshold testnet

Threshold is a decentralized threshold cryptography network

The project has its own token, which is already traded on popular exchanges such as Binance, KuCoin, Bithumb, and others

💰 Rewards: possible airdrop & OAT

📣 Official announcement: link

What to do?

  • Go to the faucet website and take the test ETH

  • Visit the website and connect your wallet to the Goerli network

  • Switch to the "Borrow" tab and exchange the test ETH for $thUSD

  • Next, in the "Earn" tab, deposit $thUSD to the stability pool

  • Additionally, you can redeem ETH in the "Redeem" tab and test the "Risky Vaults" tab

  • Now go to Galxe, complete all the tasks, and claim the OAT

✔ That's all!

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