ric.eth mirror

发布于 2021-12-22到 Mirror 阅读

Political Computing 🗳

Computing comes in waves. Each new technological breakthrough is a combination of the personal, electrical, mechanical, physical & material. Human neurons fire so that silicon circuits can twitch to life. Our biological brains create technological tools. We augment ourselves with our devices.

Imagine what he imagined

The impact of these tools keeps expanding. These technological tools have always had political power:

The scale of computing waves’ impact has expanded every decade. Decisions made in the algorithm departments of a few companies in California affect the mental health of the planet. International democracies are struggling to cope with the fact that they are subject to the whims of our digital demagogues.

Let us look back on the waves we have seen in recent history:

100s mechanical electrical mainframe

1,000,000s mini personal desktop

1,000,000,000s internet cloud mobile

everyone social artificial economic

Physical monarchies were challenged by the US Constitution. Digital monarchies are being challenged by the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

The political computing wave is starting to crest.

I cannot wait to see it crash.
