发布于 2023-12-28到 Mirror 阅读

Sound Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago we launched Sound with the goal of changing the way musicians monetize their art and help them break free from the broken economics of streaming platforms.

In a whirlwind few months we built an early version of the website and released the first song in December 2021. A lot has changed since then but the heart of the product remains the same and our vision to unlock the true value of music has only grown stronger.

Thank you to every artist, collector, and listener who’s been with us along the way. Let’s recap the journey so far

Sound in numbers

We launched in December 2021 with one song and 25 editions.

From there, we’ve grown to more than 253,000 collectors with over 1.2 million editions minted.

A total of 2,555 artists have joined us on this journey, releasing over 5,500 songs.

Along the way, you’ve listened to 6.8 million minutes of music on Sound.

Most importantly, you’ve helped artists earn more than $6 million with no middle-man.

Memorable moments on Sound

The Genesis Drop - The first ever song on Sound was Childhood by Oshi.

The Snoop Dogg Spaces - When Snoop released a mixtape on Sound and dropped into our Twitter Space, highlighting many of the artists from our community.

The first EP on Sound Protocol - Reo Cragun launched his Frameworks EP on Sound Protocol, allowing it to be collected on Sound and his website at the same time.

First drop on Optimism - Earlier this year we launched on Optimism, enabling 10x cheaper gas fees. To celebrate, the Optimism Foundation released a song which reached 732K mints — the highest on Sound so far.

Coinbase Quests - We teamed up with Coinbase to shine a light on six rising artists, and introduce thousands of Coinbase Wallet users to onchain music.

Opening up to everyone - In July this year we fulfilled our biggest goal by making our tools available to every artist.

We shipped a lot …

Our community knows we have a reputation for shipping new features, and we’ve built a lot over the last two years.

  • Layers 2s - We integrated Optimism and Base to reduce gas fees by more than 90%.

  • Curator rewards - Curators earn referral fees just for sharing music.

  • Magic uploads - Uploading and withdrawing is totally free.

  • Forever editions - Making it accessible for everyone to collect.

  • Protocol rewards - Artists get paid on every mint, no matter what.

  • Social feed - In November we launched a social feed giving music fans a place to come together and share their favorite music.

The future of Sound.

Now is the time to scale Sound to millions of music fans, while making sure we always put artists first. We just launched Protocol Rewards that flips the traditional music model and enables artists and the community to participate in the success of the platform.

With this foundation in place, we’re building a social music experience centered around valuing and scaling music curation on Sound. Every artist needs a street team and we’re going to help them find one.

Thank you to everyone in the community

Building every day over the last two years meant adapting to changing environments but we always try to put artists and our community first in every decision. Even if we don’t get it right first time, we deeply appreciate your passion for Sound and your support.

We wouldn’t be here without all the artists, collectors, curators and communities that show up every day to support new music.

Here’s to the next two years!