William M. Peaster

发布于 2023-12-07到 Mirror 阅读

Pudgy Penguins ATH 🐧

✨ This post originally appeared in Metaversal on Bankless ✨

While the past two years have been brutal for many PFP projects, the Pudgy Penguins collection has continued to shine throughout the bear.

This week, the Penguins reached new all-time highs in both USD and ETH terms. Currently, the floor price on OpenSea is 7.77 ETH.

There’s no mania right now, just apparent consolidation around what people see as one of the strongest projects in NFTs, so we’ll have to wait and see if this impressive breakout is followed by other rallies around the space.

For now, thanks as always for reading everyone. Here’s your latest weekly NFT roundup! ✌️


This week in NFTs…

📰 General news

🎨 Cryptoart & music

🏆 Digital collectibles

📱 Crypto social

🎮 Decentralized gaming

🪙 NFTfi

🌐 Virtual worlds

🙏 Thanks for reading this week’s roundup! For more catching up: