
发布于 2021-11-07到 Mirror 阅读

🚩 Suspicious red flags in the copy to look out for in Discord scams!

Using Adam Bomb Squad’s most recent scam as an example

🚩 Language or tone never used before

The scammers started with “Yo, yo, yo” which is unusually casual for the announcements page.

ABS has never used that term or similar in the #announcement channel regarding new mints which is a sign a scammer is writing the copy.

🚩 Random mention of charity donation

To appeal to kindness and giving nature in us, in this situation the scammer mentioned donating all of the sales to a charity.

If this seems completely random, then it’s probably a scam. Additionally, no more information was provided about the charity which is another red flag.

🚩 Random mention of a collaboration

In one variation of the announcement they mentioned a meet with Gary V. If it sounds too good to be true, then it’s probably a scam!

🚩 Announcement is made outside of normal operational hours

Since ABS is headquartered in LA, we know its main time zone is general Pacific Time. The scam announcement was posted at 2:30am PT which is extremely suspicious.

🚩 No marketing lead up towards the mint announcement

ABS is in the habit of letting the community know when there are big events on the way so we can prepare if we decide to participate.

A spontaneous mint wouldn’t be to anyone's benefit and is likely a scam.

🚩 The mint website is off brand

The Hundreds and Adam Bomb Squad are separate entities. The scam used the site ‘hundreds.io’ which isn’t the NFT project. Any ABS related event would likely be branded Adam Bomb Squad.