Charlotte Fang

发布于 2022-04-20到 Mirror 阅读

Notes on the New Wave of Net Art

For the art world, last wave of net art died as "post-internet art" in the mid-aughts & has laid dead, largely killed by an oppressive wave of woke politics on art, a censorious entryism inherently intolerant of the actual internet's anarchist heart.

"Bloody Amalia Ulman", Charlotte Fang (2021)

While the art world banned itself from the upstream of all contemporary culture, a new generation of truly online outsider artists (& insider artists covertly anon) came-of-age in era where the Wired has already swallowed the Real, with hyperreality taken prominence over reality.

Thousands now spend their lives online actively developing elaborate experimental practices, a hundred petite avant-garde's in the heavily accelerated cultural space of the web, a mass movement of extremely creative artmaking—with the dreadfully boring art world totally oblivious.

Art died when it killed net art, but net art never died. The pendulum always swings back; it just takes one dedicated group or a few inspired individuals to light up a percolating zeitgeist and blow open the floodgates on any major cultural shift.

We're here to try.