
发布于 2022-03-18到 Mirror 阅读

Made $820K From ApeCoin’s Airdrop Via NFTX


  1. https://etherscan.io/token/0xea47b64e1bfccb773a0420247c0aa0a3c1d2e5c5#readContract: this is the token with 6 bayc(5691, 4755, 9915, 8214, 8167, 1060, at the time being it should be 5 bayc 7594,8214,9915,8167,4755) from NFTX, use 0.2 of this token to get 14.152001071896103886e
  2. transfer 1060 from https://etherscan.io/address/0x6703741e913a30d6604481472b6d81f3da45e6e8 to https://etherscan.io/address/0x7797a99a2e91646abdc9dc30e838a149ccb3013b
  3. transfer 7594,8214,9915,8167,4755 from https://etherscan.io/address/0xea47b64e1bfccb773a0420247c0aa0a3c1d2e5c5 to https://etherscan.io/address/0x7797a99a2e91646abdc9dc30e838a149ccb3013b
  4. transfer 7594,8214,9915,8167,4755,1060 back to https://etherscan.io/address/0xea47b64e1bfccb773a0420247c0aa0a3c1d2e5c5

what is 3–4? flashloan!

more like 1 bay loan 6 bayc — how? I am not sure….

But if this person can figure out to use the flashloan from nftx, things become very straight forward.

Just use 1 bayc to get 6 bayc, then claim ape coin, return the bayc, transfer the 60564 apecoin out.

basically get 5 https://etherscan.io/token/0xea47b64e1bfccb773a0420247c0aa0a3c1d2e5c5 by loan 0.2, then return 6 get 5.2 to https://etherscan.io/address/0xfd8a76dc204e461db5da4f38687adc9cc5ae4a86 — the cost it 6–5.2+0.2=1 bayc — the 1060?

but how the flashloan work in ntfx??? not sure yet…(just found the GitHub link below)


A genius or the NFTX people?

I just googled, and found 1 year ago someone already identified this issue:


And a similar idea: https://medium.com/nft20/introducing-nft-flash-loans-97ff8c9298d4
