Invest in Music

发布于 2023-04-26到 Mirror 阅读

Isadore Noir - HURT ME

Balanced in delicacy and power, Isadore Noir’s voice is tonic for the soul. The effortless flow of her silky topline, made even more lush by perfected harmonies and vocal stacks, tells a potent story of seeking pain in order to feel alive.

"Oh, I love it when you hurt me," she sings as her voice floats atop gentle guitars. "Oh, I love when you desert me." Reflecting on a past pattern of subconscious self sabotage, Noir employs the catalyst of creating to reclaim her power and manifest healing transformation.

“Writing this song taught me what I was capable of, and what happens when I let life happen to me vs when I become an active participant in my own story,” Noir writes on Sound. “I'm grateful to share this with a mended heart and renewed purpose.”

Like an old soul who has been singing for centuries, Isadore Noir brings a richness and wisdom to web3 with her new single “HURT ME.”

“HURT ME” is her third drop on Sound, and will be featured on her upcoming album GFE.

Collect HURT ME here.

About Isadore Noir

Noir is not only a magnificent singer, but also a seasoned songwriter and producer, and designs her own album art.

A Future Surf Radio and Campfire community member, she's an active participant in web3 who's focused on creating great music and being a vehicle for social change.

I met Noir at the Campfire DAO house in Miami during Art Basel last year. She sang just one or two lines while everyone played pool, and my jaw dropped. I didn't know who she was then, but I knew right away that she was a star.

Why Should I Care?

Noir is one of the best singers in web3, and with a new album in the works, we think that her new drop is an excellent opportunity to become an early collector of her work.

Even though she released “HURT ME” on Spotify first and crossed 25k streams one day before she dropped it on Sound, she thinks that these metrics don't support her artistry in real time. Music NFTs do.

In this spirit, she chose to drop the song at 0.005 ETH using SoundSwap to reach as many fans as possible and potentially onboard some of her existing fans to web3.

The majority of mints from this drop will go towards finishing her upcoming album GFE and producing visuals for “HURT ME,” which we think creates a positive loop that accrues value to her work. Additionally, 15% of the proceeds will be allocated to a close friend of Noir’s to assist with legal fees.

"Whether or not you can collect, if this is the first time you are hearing of me, this would be the song to check out," she says in a tweet.

We're excited to support her work and look forward to listening to her new singles and upcoming album.

Collect “HURT ME” here.

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