
发布于 2022-11-08到 Mirror 阅读

How Polygon is Bridging the Gap Between Blockchains and Real-World Applications

It’s not unreasonable to say that blockchains need real-world use cases to gain mass adoption. Web3 has been slow to gain traction outside of the crypto community. While there are many reasons for this, the primary one is that they don’t see any use case for Web3 in their daily lives.

Why real-world use cases are important for blockchains

Real-world use cases are important to keep blockchains economically and socially sustainable. Having a flow of value coming from real-world sources allows the on-chain economy and society to thrive even more. Without real-world use cases, value throughput is limited due to value only coming from users on-chain, which is unlikely to be sustainable long-term once growth slows down.

To streamline a thriving blockchain, we must bridge the gap between blockchains and real-world applications.

Why blockchains are important for the real-world

There is a myriad of blockchain implementation opportunities that go well beyond the boundaries of even the financial industry. This is because the principle of distributed ledgers in blockchains lends itself well to any industry with a database that requires a trustless and immutable storage system.

These secure and premium features have become too good to pass up, and many companies and industries have started using blockchain technology for different purposes. Apart from blockchains having amazing features that benefit companies in ways like security and transparency, they also benefit the customers of these companies in different ways.

What are some good examples of real-world use cases that utilize the blockchain?

Above we shortly introduced why blockchains are important for the real world. People have come up with brilliant ideas for real-world applications that utilize the blockchain. Anything from medical applications, financial applications, creative applications, and more.

A list of areas where blockchains become useful;

  • Healthcare

  • Logistics

  • Personal Identity Security

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Media

  • Government

  • Money Transfer

  • Loyalty Programs

How the Polygon PoS blockchain is being used in the real world.

Very known and highly valued companies are utilizing Polygon for different reasons. Two of the biggest companies are Starbucks, the largest coffeehouse chain in the world, and Enegra, an international mineral commodities trading business.

Polygon x Starbucks

Starbucks integrating the Polygon PoS blockchain will allow Starbucks Rewards loyalty program members and Starbucks partners (employees) in the United States to earn and purchase digital collectible stamps in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

This integration allows people to play games and complete challenges that test their knowledge of coffee and the Starbucks brand. This one-of-a-kind loyalty program experience is powered by low fees and high transaction speeds on the Polygon PoS network.

Members can also purchase NFTs with either crypto or a credit card and trade them in a custom Starbucks Odyssey marketplace. No crypto wallet or cryptocurrency will be required.

As NFTs are collected, members’ points will increase. As more points are acquired, the better the rewards to choose from.

Some potential experiences could include a virtual espresso martini-making class, invitations to events at Starbucks Reserve Roasteries, or even trips to Starbucks Hacienda Alsacia coffee farm in Costa Rica. This whole partnership between Polygon and Starbucks will bring certain benefits and “immersive coffee experiences,” according to the company.

Polygon x Reddit

Reddit teamed up with Polygon to create avatars using 90 distinct designs that will be available in the future. The designs are limited edition and include features that may be utilized outside Reddit as a profile picture.

The NFTs will not be available to the general public; instead, they’ll be accessible only to people with a r/collectible avatar. This will allow users to link their Avatar with other Avatar gear and accessories.

Users with NFT enabled will be distinct from others with a glow-like appearance on their profile picture.

“You don’t need bitcoin to buy these avatars, and they aren’t being sold. They’re all priced at a set price and may be purchased with regular currency.” According to Reddit, there was no ambiguity about the situation.

The Reddit team also said this; “In the future, we see blockchain as one way to bring more empowerment and independence to communities on Reddit. Reddit has always been a model for what decentralization could look like online; our communities are self-built and run, and as part of our mission to better empower our communities, we are exploring tools to help them be even more self-sustaining and self-governed.”

Real-world use cases will allow Web3 to adopt new users at a fast pace

Web3 will likely intervene in most Internet sectors in the foreseeable future. Blockchain-based technologies might dominate the future of business ventures, meaning most companies may want to convert into decentralized software.

As discussed in this article, one of the key ways to achieve mass adoption is through real-world use cases and not just relegating Web3 to the crypto community. By demonstrating how Web3 can be used in everyday situations, people will be more likely to adopt it globally.

About the Village

Polygon Village is the centerpiece of Polygon’s long-term strategy of progressively decentralizing the ecosystem's growth to the community. Polygon DAO aims to represent and support various areas of interest within the Polygon ecosystem. Through Polygon Village, developers gain access to everything they need to build, grow, and showcase their Web3 initiatives; projects building on Polygon receive comprehensive, quality support.

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