DF Archon

发布于 2022-07-05到 Mirror 阅读

Gitcoin Grants Round 14 Content Backup

first release date:2022-07-05

latest revision date:2022-07-05

Dark Forest is an MMO strategy game built with zkSNARKs on Ethereum and xDAI. We had full fun playing Dark Forest, but at the same time, we have some ideas and plans to improve the game using zero-knowledge proofs and blockchain technology.

We have many ongoing programs:

Game experience optimization, timely release of user-friendly plugins according to the latest game rule changes.

We recently released DF GAIA , which is a user-friendly dark forest plugin development library.


If you have any functionality you want the plugin to implement, please feel free to send email to [email protected].

Acceleration of “move” operations: According to our in-depth analysis of on-chain data, the fastest player in Dark Forest can currently perform 8 on-chain operations in one minute, which is unimaginably slow in the traditional game experience. We can leverage some of underlying technologies of the blockchain to accelerate operations, including but not limited to the modification of the zero-knowledge proof scheme and the parallelization of the on-chain transaction.

Game Strategy Evaluation Sandbox: Empowers advanced players to evaluate the excellence of their game strategies in a more quantitative way, including but not limited to fine-grained real-time data analysis, simulated opponent matchups against specific strategies, video replay analysis of past games, and more.

Who are we?

DfArchon is a newly established gaming group focused on Dark Forest, with three members currently. Our members are all blockchain developers, dedicated players of Dark Forest, and also have art design skills.

We are working on game strategy development, experience optimization from blockchain layer to client-side game, sandbox platform for game strategy evaluation, etc. More ecological projects are waiting to be discovered.

The DfArchon team has received a lot of help from the official Dark Forest Discord server, the Dark Forest Chinese community (especially the wechat group organized by keke.eth) and MarrowDAO during the process of getting to know the Dark Forest game. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to those friends who have helped us.