Atoms Research

发布于 2024-02-14到 Mirror 阅读

How to run a Powerloom node

Powerloom Protocol is a decentralized data protocol primarily designed to meet the growing data requirements of smart contract-based applications, including DeFi, games, and other user-centric platforms

Raised: $3.1M from Blockchain Capital and others

What to do?

• First, you need to buy access to the node

• Then follow the link and complete the steps

The first and most complicated step is Simulation Setup. There will be a Setup Instructions button that you can navigate to and install the node with simple instructions. These instructions will help you install the simulation node on any of the operating networks. At this point, you do not need a separate server to keep the node on the network. You can perform this ceremony on your local computer. In the future, you will need to rent a server.

Operating system: server Ubuntu 22.04

The first thing to do is to rent a server.

For example, you can use Hetzner

Minimum System Requirements:

  • RAM: A minimum of 4 GB.

  • CPU Core: Minimum of 4 Cores

  • Disk Space: At least 40 GB.

  • Operating System: Windows or Linux.

  • Python: Ensure Python 3.10 or newer is installed.

Now you need to log in to the server, you can use MobaXterm

To log in, you will need the server IP address, log in and password. All this should be provided by the server provider. In MobaXterm, click the "Session" button and enter the IP address of the server. Log in, usually using the root login and the password provided to you

You need to prepare the server for node installation:

Upgrade packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Check the Python version:

python3 --version

If your version is not 3.10.x, then install:

sudo apt install software-properties-common -y

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

sudo apt install python3.10

Install Docker and Docker-compose:

sudo apt install

sudo systemctl start docker 

sudo systemctl enable docker

sudo curl -L 

"$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

That's it, the server is ready, you can start running the node:

• Copy files from GitHub git clone -b simulation_mode powerloom

• Go to the directory with the files cd powerloom

• Run the script ./

• The script will ask for data. Create a new empty wallet in advance for these actions:

$SOURCE_RPC_URL: any Ethereum Mainnet RPC, such as Ankr, Infura, or Alchemy.

SIGNER_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS: insert your wallet address

SIGNER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY: insert your wallet's private key (no 0x)

Expect the following:

That's it. You can close the terminal

Now go back to this page, run the check, fill in the data and you will have a link to KYC

Pass KYC and wait for the testnet launch on February 16, where you will need to run a full node

✅ That’s all!


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