
发布于 2022-11-23到 Mirror 阅读

⭐️Airdrops Potential Testnet Projects🚀 are always worthy.⭐️

  1. Today, we are interacting in @vertex_protocol

    They have recently announced their public #testnet & working on launching their native token $VRTX during #mainnet launch. Let’s get started!

  2. What is @vertex_protocol?

    Vertex is on the #arbitrum network. It is a Cross-margin spot, perps & money markets dex protocol. Trade, earn and borrow with maximum capital efficiency all on one easy-to-use app. Maximum speed of 30 milliseconds for order matching.

  3. About Tokenomics!

    Vertex Protocol plans to decentralize governance and provide additional utility via the release of a governance token, $VRTX. The main use-case of $VRTX Creating $xVRTX Liquid staking token For voting Have a look at the tokenomics detail.

4. How to participate in #Testnet?

➡️Go here-

➡️Perform Deposit and withdraw

➡️Trade on their website

➡️Perform perpetual trading

NOTE: Team officially confirmed that this is not Incentivized Testnet but, still you can use it if you want.5.

5. First set up #Metamask if you haven’t.

➡️Select goerli testnet network.

➡️Claim goerli eth from here

➡️Bridge Goerli eth to Arbitrum Eth here bridge here on arbitrum

6. Now #Testnet task started Claim #testnet faucet from @Vertex_protocol

Website Website :

Mint all 3 testnet tokens one by one

➡️Connect Wallet and switch arbitrum network

➡️Select token

➡️Click on mint

7. ➡️Deposit all minted Tokens

➡️Select Overview Section

➡️On Right top their is deposit section

➡️Select the token and put amount to maximum

➡️Click on deposit

➡️Similarly Deposit all 3 tokens

8. Spot Trading

➡️Select spot on from top navigation bar

➡️Select token to deposit

➡️Put the amount to buy

➡️Click on place order

➡️Sign the metamask popup

➡️Similarly, perform for sell


9. Perpetual Trading

➡️Select perpetual section from top navigation bar

➡️Select token pair

➡️Enter the amount in usdc and the token in wbtc-perp or eth-perp pair

➡️Click on place long order

➡️➡️Similarly, perform for Sell orders as well

Overall we have to use every feature of @vertex_protocol

. So that in future when the project launches its native token, We'll be eligibe for #Airdrop. For further #announcements regarding project join their Discord and check the announcement section once a week.

And dont forget to join us on telegram and twitter for future update and great airdrop profit.

Also try to claim this post on mirror to become early user of mirror to get eligible in mirror upcoming airdrop r.