
发布于 2023-04-18到 Mirror 阅读

Community Updates Q1 2023

2023 is going to be a year to remember in the Ethereum Honduras community, and as Ethereum Tegucigalpa, we are making our best effort to celebrate this with the whole Ethereum Ecosystem in Latam by hosting the third edition of the ETH Latam!

We are pleased to share that ETH Kipu has honored Honduras to host the third edition of the ecosystem's biggest event in the region. So we are making an effort with our local communities of ETH Tegucigalpa, ETH San Pedro Sula, and ETH La Ceiba to contribute to the organization of the event while laying out the ground to have a fertile ecosystem ready for what comes.

Here it’s what we have lived in the first quarter of the year to strengthen the Honduran ecosystem.

Meetups, Workshops & Education Activities

We kicked off 2023 with some meetups that the community requested in our 2022 December strategic session. And here's a little bit about those:

Ethereum para principiantes - January 25th

We hosted our first pizza and beer meetup for all the newbies who heard about Ethereum last year or were excited about our NFT event. It was great because it was also a good comeback for the permanent members of the community to reconnect, have fun and welcome the newbies.

Escalando Ethereum - February 22nd

Scaling Ethereum was an online meetup targeting more advanced members. An important topic for the Ethereum community is being presented in Spanish by one of our very best, Ahmed Castro.

Road to ETH Latam - March 14th & 15th

Paula and Francis from ETH Kipu were gratuitous enough to travel to two cities and officially kick off the “Road to ETH Latam” in Honduras. We have to say it was a lot of teamwork from our three communities and it came out great. Here are a few pics from both meetups.

Road To ETH Latam - Tegucigalpa

The following day the Ethereum SPS community received Paula and Francis.

Road To ETH Latam - San Pedro Sula

Descubriendo Cryptoversidad - Wednesday, March 29th

We had a meetup with Diego Mares from México to talk about the launch of Cryptoversidad, an education platform to introduce new users to the web3 ecosystem.

Convirtiendo tu arte en NFTs

This workshop was the result of a great collaboration with Escuela Creativa (LEC) led by amazing female artists that have made it their mission to foster innovation and encourage artists to push the boundaries and explore their art as a valuable way of expressing themselves and generating their livelihoods. This resonated perfectly with our goal to train Honduran artists to mint their art into NFTs in Ethereum to find new venues to showcase their pieces and reach new markets for their talents. During the workshop, there was a big focus on the creative aspect that helped them get their artistic and creative juices going for their future NFT pieces.

Curso para programar en Ethereum 101

In February, we approached the Universidad Nacional Pedagógica de Honduras (UPN) and proposed a pilot course on basic programming course on Ethereum, for students of their Computer Science program. After a series of coordination meetings reviewing things from methodology, to project scope and curriculum, we are excited to share that we are teaching the first Ethereum 101 programming course formally with a University. The course will be done online as a 20-hour intensive program taught in 5 sessions, and the facilitator is part of the Ethereum Honduras community.

Hackathon por los ODS

The Universidad Nacional de Honduras (UNAH) is the biggest public university in the country, they were organizing their first hackathon, with the aim that students create solutions for the United Nations Sustainable Development.

We joined forces with the UNAH in this hackathon to teach hackers about Ethereum, we provided a small bounty for projects that hacked with solidity and had two developers supporting the hackers during the event.


We made a conscious decision to develop strategic partnerships that will help the community thrive and be sustainable in time. Therefore we dedicated a lot of time in this first quarter to identifying and fostering these relationships. As a result, we've already done some events and projects, others are in the pipeline about to be launched and others are yet in their inception stages.

Here is a list of partnerships we have invested time & got creative within this quarter:

  • Museo de Identidad Nacional de Honduras - the largest museum in Tegucigalpa wants to get involved with NFTs, we will be launching a series of workshops and an exhibition with them.

  • Moonbird’s Lunar Society - Moonbirds is an NFT project focused on digital art. We made a proposal to The Lunar Society, the community DAO branch of Moonbirds to fund some of the NFT workshops and exhibitions receiving great acceptance by the community

  • La Escuela Creativa - We organized a creative workshop about NFTs and creativity to onboard Honduran artists.

  • Cryptoversidad - We made a partnership to provide free access to the course to Honduran community members.

  • Zapper en Español - We are working with the Zapper en Español team and Zapper in order to create an onboarding event for students of UNITEC, we start next month in Tegucigalpa and aim to replicate in different cities.

  • Crypto conexión - your go-to for all things news & education opportunities on the blockchain, crypto, and Ethereum with a special focus in Latin America. We are currently brainstorming.

We have started working with three of the major universities in the country.

  • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) - An university focused on educating teachers, we are giving a pilot of a solidity course to the computer science students.

  • Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC) - We are launching a series of onboarding events for students and are working on a proposal to host a series of solidity boot camps.

  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) - After the experience with the hackathon we are exploring with the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Research, launching a few research related to Ethereum and Cryptos, campus meetups, and a development course for students.

ETH Latam & ETH Kipu

We truly believe in supporting other communities, especially in Latam, well aligned with the vision of ETH Kipu and the upcoming organization of ETH Latam in Honduras, we have been working hand in hand with the ETH Kipu team providing support in multiple activities, advocating, and organizing for ETH Latam.

Fun fact, when it was announced ETH Latam would be held in Honduras, during ETH Denver we had a couple of super committed members of ETH Honduras over there and they helped ETH Kipu in partnership with Scroll to organize the ReggaETHon launch party to the event. It was that got the ball rolling for people to plan they're attending the ETH Latam.

ReggaETHon at ETH Denver

Other noteworthy activities and events by the community in Honduras

  • Ethereum La Ceiba organized Two meetups.

  • Ethereum SPS organized a meetup at the Universidad Privada de San Pedro Sula.

These events really showcase how individual initiative is key, and how they came up with very cool events with their resources. Even though they were not in the Ethereum Tegucigalpa community, we are happy to give a shout-out and continue supporting them in any way.

Ethereum La Ceiba Meetup

And we have to say it, turns out we have amazing Honduras Ambassadors, and community members that with their own resources have attended a couple of international events like ETH Denver, ETH Zamba, ETH Rio, and ETH Guatemala representing Honduras with a high standard.

Some ETH Kipu and Ethereum community members at ETH Samba

So, all in all, it's been a great ride these first three months for Ethereum Tegucigalpa and the whole Ethereum Honduras community, hands down we could not have done it without the commitment and good vibes of the members, the local and international partners. We are excited about what's coming, we already gave you a peek of what's to come so stay tuned as we travel this road to ETH Latam and grow our local communities!

TL;DR Q1-23

  • Meetups - 5

  • Workshops - 3

  • Community calls - 2

  • Collaborations - 10

  • Hackathons - 1