
发布于 2023-03-07到 Mirror 阅读

30 days of Lore! Calling all Heralds! 🍥

Over the next 30 days, we seek allies to help us spread the lore behind our communities. Lend us your strength and earn rewards.

We're thrilled to announce that Lore will soon transition from Private to Public Beta 🎉and it's all thanks to our incredible communities on Lore.

In the past year, communities on Lore, small and large, have crafted unique stories that showcase the power of co-ownership. To celebrate these communities and the individuals behind them, we'll publish exclusive interviews of our favorite groups over the next 30 days on Twitter.

These online communities showcase the best parts of Web3 — adventure, fellowship, and new horizons. And we need your help sharing these inspiring stories with more people. Help us share these stories through likes, retweets, or replies, and at the end of 30 days, you will be eligible for a special mint and a unique Herald role 📯 on Discord.

How to participate?

  • Step 1: Fill out the form to register 👉


    Registration will conclude on March 13th.

  • Step 2: Join our Discord to obtain the Apprentice role and say gm!

  • Step 3: Engage with community stories with the Lore Emoji 🍥 on it by liking, retweeting, or replying. Engaging with 50% of tweets with the emoji will guarantee your spot on the allowlist for the mint and other rewards!

We will publish a leaderboard of the Top Heralds 📯 every week.

If you are an existing Lore community wanting to be featured, DM us on Twitter.

Hint: The first 🍥 to engage with is this tweet: https://twitter.com/loredotxyz/status/1633117076855373828…!