发布于 2021-07-23到 Mirror 阅读

Take Your Vitamins / Twitter NFT DAO Fund

I'm throwing this up quickly because there is an auction hosted by AGAH (Art Gallery Auction House) for the #1 edition Twitter Vitamin T NFT. The reserve is 15 ETH and I don't have 15 ETH, but maybe all of us in the community does!

So I figure, what if we just all had a chance to own this awesome NFT in an attempt to bid for it? And when we decide to flip it, our split will automatically disperse the value in ETH to every respective participant.

Take Your Vitamins

If you want to hop in on this, throw some bread up in the crowdfund! If we don't make it, you'll be able to claim your ETH back no problem.

Currently the ETH from the crowdfund will go to this wallet: 0x0Ee4B8555122dd8b3116713b6DF472dA6CE57334 and if we win the NFT, we will collectively vote on multisig holders and create a wallet with Gnosis Safe to hold the NFT.

Afterward, we'll create a telegram channel to coordinate what we'll do with the NFT moving foward. This is a piece of history, it would be cool for the community to mobilize to own a piece of it.