SnapFingers DAO

发布于 2022-05-29到 Mirror 阅读

寻找区块链历史学家 Finding Blockchain Historians


古人云 “夫以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失”。

响指 Discord 伺服器在征集历史学家,请试着回想:在你(妳)的交易生涯是否有哪些事件对你产生了重要的剧变,或造成刻骨铭心的记忆?

我们想听你叙述和向我们分享,并为此评分事件的影响程度(- 10~+10),尽可能说明给出评分的原因。


  1. 先到下列网址下载 Excel 模板: (点击左上角“档案”> “下载” > “Microsoft Excel .xlsx ” 档案)
  2. 编辑内容,新增令你影响深刻或很重要的行业大小事,并记录下日期,评分,和原因。
  3. 完成你的专属表格后填写此 Google 表单,将你的档案上传:


⏰ 活动时间:5月30日 08:00 - 6月5日 20:00(UTC+8) 。

🎁 活动奖励:参与者专属 OAT 徽章,以及由国库提供的 $200 USDT 奖金池(依据创作内容完整度筛选,由 5 人平分)。

📌 位置:SnapFingersDAO Discord 频道。

Finding Blockchain Historians

We are looking for blockchain historians. Please excavate your trading operations to see if there were any events having made a dramatically significant difference to you or left you an unforgettable memory.

We would like you to share your stories with us; you shall explain why these particular events have made such profound impact and grade them on a scale of 1-10.

How to get involved:

  1. Go to the following website to download the Excel template:
  2. Edit the content.
  3. Post back to Google Forms when finished:

Event Description:

⏰ May 30 08:00 - June 5 20:00 (UTC+8)

🎁 Participants exclusive OAT badges.

💰 200USDT reward, 5 per share. (Based on the integrity of the creative content)

📍 SnapFingersDAO Discord.