Old Fashion Research

发布于 2022-08-07到 Mirror 阅读

OFR Insight Sharing Session #4 - The accelerated adoption of Web3 in LATAM: an infrastructure and compliance challenge

关于 OFR 洞察分享

OFR 洞察分享是由 Old Fashion Research 推出的新的每周计划会议,由多家著名机构和媒体的其他加密从业者加入。每周,OFR Fund 的研究人员都会分享他们过去一周在加密行业的研究成果。回顾回顾分享会,让更多的观众了解最近讨论最多的话题。

本周,我们很高兴邀请到 Kravata 的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Felipe Montes 博士,他分享了他对在拉丁美洲地区加速采用 web3 的见解。Kravata 是一家加密即服务基础设施公司,它使拉丁美洲的企业能够通过几行代码在自己的平台上提供加密解决方案。

本周 OFR 见解分享的议程包括: 

  1. 拉丁美洲采用加密货币;
  2. 区域内构建 web3 的痛点/机会;
  3. 拉丁美洲 web3 的当前用例;
  4. LATAM web 3.0 市场机会;

上述统计数据表明,与房地产、债务证券、黄金和全球股票等其他资产相比,加密/数字资产的市值相对较小。2021 年全球加密货币采用率的平均值为 3.9%。数字资产处于早期和成长阶段。

The curve showing total crypto users from 2014 to 2022 shares a similarity with the total internet users from 1990 to 1998. Among the U.S, Europe, and Asia, Asia has the highest institutional adoption of digital assets, while the U.S ranks the lowest among all three regions. Latin America and the Caribbean has the most retail clients among Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and Africa, and North America. Building bridges between big players and Crypto will boost adoption in Latam.

![Stats showing Ways of Savings, Year-over-year Future Purchase Intent of Digital Assets, Appeal of Digital Assets (U.S., Europe / Asia)


The total AUM are expected to almost double by 2025 in LATAM, and today less than 1% are allocated in digital assets.

Graphs and stats above have shown that LATAM has a high web3 potential. The adoption of digital assets in Latam is exponentially increasing. This is a comparison across multiple dimensions on crypto users among Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, and Argentina.

The above pie chart and table have nominated four LATAM countries in the crypto adoption index. Russia and Venezuela have retained their positions and LocalBitcoin’s two biggest markets, but Columbia has climbed up to be the number 3.

However, pain points exist in the crypto adoption in the LATAM region. Although there is an opportunity of significant appetite from LATAM investors and businesses for crypto, a lack of infrastructure makes access to crypto hard and unreliable. The fiat/crypto liquidity in LATAM is low, with weak compliance and informality, and few options for large investments.

缺乏基础设施意味着拉丁美洲有数十亿美元的进出坡道潜力。FIAT-crypto 桥梁在技术生态系统中仍然稀缺,加密用户每年增长 100%。NFT 和游戏、汇款、数字支付和集中式加密货币交易所是可以从 on/off-ramp 中受益的直接应用程序。

Kravata 是一家加密设施公司,即通过其持续服务点的基础设施,在通过自己的平台上提供加密解决方案。优秀的生态系统、专家的路线图和经验丰富的团队来寻求投资机会。

特别感谢 Kravata 的联合创始人兼首席执行官 Felipe Montes 博士提供的内容。OFR Insight Sharing 均不提供财务建议,研究人员也不代表 OFR 基金的最终声明。



Fashion Research (FR) 是一种多策略区块链投资,由全球领先投资的加密货币交易所的前段和团队投资 0021 年结束。

OFR 采用如果策略性策略来捕捉 Web30 的价值,让全投资希望者的生态系统来支持 Web30 的创业者或创新者获得更多。未来有可能的项目方式和规模,持续的风险和化支持,,最终将这些项目。

