
发布于 2022-05-10到 Mirror 阅读

Mirror Weekly Review #29



  • A new ISM is formed / NFTism: Similar to capitalism and socialism, the author introduces the concept of NFTism -  the revolution of society where creativity as the source of wealth and collaboration as a political philosophy. Editor: good reading in the bear market
  • The Floor Wars: Capitalizing on The Next Epoch of Social Speculation: FloorDAO, one of the NFT-fi projects to sweep floors of targeted NFT projects, might be the vehicle for the next social speculation. Editor: check out the FLOOR price ser
  • Fundraiser: Malayan Orchid: A Singaporean artist transformed comics into NFT for non-profit organization fundraising


  • FeiRari Vulnerability Post-Mortem: A post-mortem of Rari pool with 80 million losses, by Julian Traversa, founder of Swivel. Swivel integrates the Rari pool 8, thus is victim of the hack


  • Jokenomics: Joke DAO re-designs NFT and its tokenomics - allocating different roles to Joke NFT holders and $JOKE token holders in terms of governance

