
发布于 2023-04-22到 Mirror 阅读

Claim Your SWAY

If you have participated SWAY sales it’s time to claim your SWAY. Claim link: https://app.aelin.xyz/pool/mainnet/0x36e8031e2843f3ce873bd66b3915e1e624e6da31

You need to make two on chain transactions before receiving your purchased SWAY. In the frontend,it’s Settle and Vest. The Settle operation will call purchaserClaim function and Vest


click the settle button like below.


Then there will be a window popping out. Click the submit button. It will interact with your metamask wallet. Remember confirming the transaction on your metamask.


Sometimes the submit button is disabled because it’s syncing the gas price. Just wait for a moment and when the button is eligible just click it!

metamask window

From the image above we can find it called a function called PURCHASER CLAIM.


After the transaction is confirmed, swtich to Vest tab and you’ll find the amount of SWAY you can claim.

Amout You Can Claim

Click the Vest button and click the submit button(just like what you do at Settle tab!)

Somtimes the submit button is disabled because it’s syncing the gas price. Just wait for a moment and when the button is eligible just click it!

This time I didn't take a screenshot of metamask because I find metamask can’t recognise the function. After the on chain transaction is confirmed, SWAY token is transferred to your wallet successfully.

On chain transaction of claiming SWAY successfully

If you want to see your SWAY in your metamask wallet. Scroll from the Assets tab to the bottom and click import tokens.

Import Tokens

Switch to Custom token tab and input SWAY contrat address. It will detect the symbol automatically so there’s no need to input yourself.

SWAY contract address 0x9de7f7a6c0b00902983c6f0658e157a8a684cfd5

Input SWAY Contract Address

Then you can find SWAY in your metamask wallet.