Culture Clap

发布于 2022-02-19到 Mirror 阅读


What started as a far-fetched idea, is slowly transforming into an interactive reality …

ecoDAO is the product of an aspiration to confront web3’s environmental issues head-on, armed with art. To the cynic, it is a vain attempt at redemption, one might say.

While to those more open-hearted, we might realize that this is the first time the global North, as a collective, is taking into account the energy expense of a supply chain. Do we ever think about the tree chopped down, to supply the books we read ?!?

While over the course of the past few months web3 has also seen a few other high-profile hang-ups. From hacks to hung-over heroes … web3/crypto has it’s own phases for growth; and while not beholden to these waves, our community remains affected.

What is ecodao?

A vehicle by which to explore systems, their creation, maintenance, and perhaps even destruction. Something we spoke of during our first Tuesday TwitterSpace, was how we’re building fertile soil for conversations to start. The next step being to convert these conversations into actions. Though first, to have consistent locations for the community to converse …

Twitter Spaces Every Tuesday @ 4pm UTC-5 Discord Happy-Hours Every Friday @ 3-5PM UTC-5

ecoDAO has also done something few others DAOs have had the capacity, or ability, to do … give a colloquially untrained individual the reins … And this has provided, as yet, relatively minimal results.

The two primary being the modification made to a written record of a drop for cultural reasons, and an updating of the Clarity materials. Though a third opportunity was made made possible, solely due to ecoDAO’s aforementioned unique capacity.

Through a post on Twitter, by an individual living in Peru, a party was mentioned; happening in my current city of residence, Medellin … featuring Kasbeel, an Afro-Colombian musician and vocalist … who has also recently engaged with web3.

Everything in Colombia goes back to the land; Latin America are an already fertile field for ecoDAO’s expansion beyond the Global North; ecodao has exclusive access.

As we explore systems, we need opportunities to see similar architecture in different environments, and different architecture in similar environments. And that is what we are able to begin doing at ecoDAO.

We create space to theorize and explore, while bringing in the resources to initiate experiments in knowledge sharing with communities and individuals.

ecodao action map

Above is the basic ecodao action structure at present; we have three primary inputs and three primary outputs. The inputs having been discussed enough elsewhere, and so I’ll focus on the outputs.


So far we’ve had two drops, with one more drop on deck.

These are to be in-frequent events, that serve multiple purposes:

  • bring folks into ecodao
  • expand community of an artist
  • give back to existing communities (doing environmental work)

The point on-which I wish to focus in the middle purpose, helping artists build communities from their drops. Some drops being more attuned to such work than others; Lani’s drop being an incredible microcosm of this idea, effectively forking ecodao into more localized versions.

Moving forward, we will create the templates by which other artists, and organizations, can participate themselves, or replicate the model. As I always asked myself, what does it mean to fork a DAO, we will begin to give this idea more substance, and direction; encouraging participants to do exactly that!


What does one mean by a templates ?

More than just forking a smart contract, or adding a few splits; aspects of the handbook will cover how to ecodao creates drops. (Not to say that we’ve perfected anything after just two, but we’re starting to add some unique aspects.)

The Handbook will have various sections for various individuals, though will be geared towards on-boarding global organizations and individuals. Of course, there will be a section for on-boarding to ecodao, as well. And it will be a continual work-in-progress.


These are questions, meant to generate conversation … What else do you as ecodevs think can be done to further our care for pachamama and each other ?

Art is a catalyst for conversation, and a balm upon pain sustained in action. We use to as a reprieve, or to celebrate. So in conversation we discuss, what more can be done? What has been done, and what else might be learned from these actions?

ecoDAO being positioned to act upon these conversations, we will also work to grow in this capacity as well.

Why ?

ecodao started as thought that was able to enacted on due to privileges that have a long a sordid history. This thought did not know what it wanted, but was also self-aware enough to know that none of us really do … so it’s ok to let the thought be nurtured by another, in cooperation and collaboration.

By respecting the unknown, be holding space for nature to do her work, we open our selves and our communities up to unimaginable possibilities.

DAOs are new, web3 is new … as I said to David, we go slow because things WILL break … we are blessed to not be pressured by an immediate need to monetize anything, while the value provided is meant to be both intrinsic, and cooperative; though not immediate. As we first contemplate how we can provide value that is consistent and sustainable.

While some would say that web3 is seeking monetize, or financialize, everything; another way to look at this would be that we are relearning how to value everything. Our first instrument to do this in the colonial mindset is money; ecodao is able to explore the idea of, once there’s money, what more can be done ?!

And this is largely uncharted territory for most of our contemporaries and colleagues.

Thank you for your faith; the road has been rocky, and we are not planning to walk on well-paved paths. And so first we must prepare for the journey.

On a personal, much of this work does mirror my own life; as just yesterday I secured relatively solid housing. After publishing this post, I will leave to purchase headphones to replace mine which broke, as well as a mouse, for my laptop. As well as a ring light.

I jumped into this position because in many ways I knew my ideas were needed, though as Kahlil already said:

The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.

If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.

And so here we are, at the intersection of what has been and what could be … where the sidewalk ends and we must decide what is next.

With that said, I think I will bid this digital page adieu, though leave you all with a question upon which we will soon vote in the Discord …

  • ecodao or ecoDAO ? or EcoDAO ?