NFTGo Research

发布于 2022-01-12到 Mirror 阅读 NFTs Under the Magnifying Glass

NFTs have rapidly evolved away from a niche market of crypto enthusiasm. As of today, more than $33 million NFTs have been sold. In this article, we would discuss:

  • Analyze top NFT items of all time
  • In-depth examination of today’s market valuations
  • Deep dive of data from the top NFTs
  • Use cases of data and key points when considering an NFT investment

All time highs

As we close off 2021, it’s worth looking back at how NFTs shined like never before. Just a look at where the market was a year ago tells the story of a breakthrough in the digital assets market.

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The ranking of can show us exactly where this breakthrough has played out the most. The NFT rankings feature gives you the ultimate look into the market’s data.

NFT leaderboard

Once in a while we all hear the big news: x NFT has been sold for y million dollars. We gather all the NFTs that have made history all in one place. As always with NFTGO, you can easily customize the data to fit into your desires.

Data Source:

Here we look at all-time champions. But you can choose to only look at sales on the last day, week or month. Depending on what you’re analyzing, it’s helpful to boil down the data to the most relative and applicable information.

Why all punks?

We’re essentially getting an overview of all the data on the blockchain related to NFTs. This means all the transactions in history in every category (art, metaverse etc) is considered. This is a pretty good strategy if you want to skim through the top NFTs. Not surprisingly the leaderboard is dominated by CryptoPunks.

The rankings feature is so flexible that it can handle all sorts of needs. We now look at the other side of the spectrum.

Now we wanna be more specific with the data. Let’s say after Facebook announcing their metaverse plans Alice sees potential in metaverse NFTs. She wants to look at the top NFTs in the metaverse. For Alice, it’s important that the project she’s investing in is active so she decides to only look at the top sales in the last 24 hours. On, this is as simple as two clicks!

  1. Click on All and from the list select the category
  2. Change the period to what you want

In Alice’s case, she can now easily find the top metaverse NFT items with their price, owner, sales (the number of times the item was sold) and its latest deal.

Making the final decision

After analyzing all the overall market, now let’s go over each token’s data. As our last step, we choose the final tokens and compare the data unique to each of them. On, every item has a page dedicated to it with all the details you need to make the best decision. This page is a combination of Amazon and Google Analytics for NFTs in one place!

For every NFT you can see:

  • Price history
  • Project details(ie market cap)
  • Item’s full details (ie total sales, highest price)
  • Listings
  • Activities related to the token(ie mint, transfer)
  • Recommendations of similar items

First glance

At first, we see the typical things like the name of the project and the NFT, its owner and its image. gives you the option to update the metadata, this is important for dynamic NFTs such as game items. You can share the NFT or add it to your favorites. If you click on the “make offer” button you can make an offer for the NFT. This will take you to the listings section. There, you can buy the NFT. If you want to, you can make your own offer by clicking on the “Buy” button. We will direct you to a marketplace (ie OpenSea).

Data Source:

Looking closer

Get your magnifying glass ready🔍 This is where it gets interesting. You can always examine the data and come back to the two buttons you saw after you’ve made up your mind. has got your back! Let’s continue with our analysis.

Price history

This is an important metric because it tells us how volatile the item is. Not only is it helpful for risk management but it also lets you decide whether an item is overpriced or not.

Data Source:

In this case, you can see that the price has increased by 400% over the last month! This can tell us a lot about this item. It can also show potential for growth in other items from this collection. You can look at the last price and the average price. This market changes a lot from month to month and sometimes the data from 5 months ago is irrelevant. has predicted this need earlier. You can filter the data by time and choose to only look at a portion of the data. Just click on the “All time” drop down menu and choose between a list of options ranging from the last 7 days to a year.

Project details

It’s always helpful to look at the project’s overall state when you consider buying an NFT. In the “info” section you can view the project’s details. We rank the projects based on their market cap, you can learn more about the rankings here (link to the supercharge your investment strategies with data article)

The Market cap of the project is the sum of the latest values of NFTs from certain collections. You can also see the changes in market cap. You can learn more about the market cap here.

Other details such as the category and description are briefly mentioned. You can click on the project to view all the information about it.

Item’s details

We go back to the item, and extract the most important data from the NFT and summarize it for you. You can see the number of past owners which is:

You can see that the current owner has held the item for 73 days, and the date of birth is when the NFT was minted.


Frankly a big chunk of blockchain is data storage. Every NFT has a story and that story always remains on the blockchain. We track the NFT down to the day that it was minted.

In the Activity section you can see a table of historical data. Here’s activity from CryptoPunk #8546 which was recently sold for nearly a million dollars. You can see the address that minted in for the first time and the price they paid for it: none:)

You can see that the one who minted the Punk transferred it to a Whale this year. We can dig deep into everything that happened to this NFT. You also have the option to filter out only the activities that interest you by clicking on the All button. As always, if you click on any date there’s a link to Etherscan for that activity to dive even deeper!

Listings brings the marketplace for you so that after your analysis is done, the NFT is just a scroll away from you. We organize all the listings data from different NFT marketplaces in a table. There’s data about the seller’s address, price, quantity and marketplace.

If you see an option in the listings that you liked, you can click on “buy” and we’ll direct you to the marketplace.

This feature is achieved by our powerful Marketplace Aggregator. As new marketplaces emerge in this ecosystem, it can be difficult to find all the listings available for an NFT. This makes the process of buying an NFT more fluid and gives you the most productive experience.


Finally, we have the “from this collection” section for anyone who’s interested in browsing other similar NFTs. We show the other NFTs from the collection. This is perfect if you want to glance at other items in the project to evaluate your NFT.

Stay up to date with the latest NFTs

The platform is the ultimate, real-time source for buying NFTs. No matter in what stage your investment decisions are, has something for you. You can derive insights from the data by closely examining it and connecting it to your past knowledge and experience. At the end of the day, we are here so that you can make the most out of every NFT investment.