
发布于 2023-01-11到 Mirror 阅读

Snow Crash movie & character screenshots, AI collaboration

Apparently in 2023 this sort of 1980’s AI reimagining is all the rage now. But I wanted to finally post another part to series I started in the middle of last year. What’s more dystopian than publishing a set of AI generated images inspired by Neal Stephenson’s SNOW CRASH, on a “web3” publishing platform -- in a space where the term metaverse is so ill-defined and misappropriated. Nothing. Prepare yourself for character art of Hiro Protagonist, Y.T., Uncle Enzo and many more of these beloved characters.

Snow Crash, John Carpenter style. Warning Maybe some minor spoilers ahead, idk.

Snow Crash Movie Character Screenshots

Pizza Delivery

Hiro Protagonist, the protagonist of Snow Crash

Y.T. the real protagonist from Snow Crash

Y.T. the real protagonist from Snow Crash

Raven, the badass from Snow Crash

The Librarian, the librarian from Snow Crash

Da5id, the dumbest smart guy in Snow Crash

Uncle Enzo, he runs the Mafia franchise in Snow Crash

Ng, give him a hand

Juanita, the brains in Snow Crash

Mr. Lee, Greater Hong Kong and all that

The Street, the Metaverse

The Street, The Metaverse

Boat Life and after

I'm not even supposed to be Hiro Protagonist today

Hiro Protagonist, probably hacking

Fisheye, life's unpredictable ya know?

Vic. Correction.

Vic on watch

L. Bob Rife - the humble communications small business owner in Snow Crash

Bruce Lee and his merry crew of privateers

Maybe they'll listen to Reason

Fido is a good doggie

Motorcycle chase down the Street

So yeah, I know I missed some characters. I did this for fun, it stopped being fun at some point and became work.

Part 3 tomorrow (winks knowing tomorrow is a span of days between tomorrow and next year)

You can look at these pictures again on Twitter in this thread. Very exciting.

these were made with midjourney v4, which is vastly better than v2 from last year.