Jordi Kidsune

发布于 2023-01-03到 Mirror 阅读

3.6.8 All-for-one and ego versus one-for-all

The universe is not separate from you. You are one with the universe, you are the universe - Eckhart Tolle

Are you tired of feeling disconnected from your life's purpose? Do you ever find yourself struggling to find meaning in the everyday? Look no further, because in this text you will discover the key components to unlocking your true potential and finding your way in the world.

You will discover:

  1. The importance of connection and unity in understanding our place in the universe.

  2. The power of choice and free will in shaping our individual growth and development.

  3. The role of the soul in gaining wisdom and knowledge through lifetimes of experience.

Understanding Unity and Connection

The natural motivation of man is not competition, but unity and wholeness. Yet the current view of the universe for most people is still one of lack and scarcity, and of me or you, us and nature, separate elements that must struggle with each other to survive. Few people live from the primal instinct of connection; from the realization that everything is connected with everything, that in reality there are no separate worlds, but that everything is in fact one and we live in one large force field in which people and natural influence ceaselessly.

And who says that if you are connected to your life mission everything in your life is a piece of cake and goes without a hitch. There are a lot of people who worry daily because they feel disconnected from their life mission, have no idea why they are here and what their destiny is. If you want to know what your destination is? Well, look around you. It is this moment and your life as it is now. This is what it is. And apparently what it should be now. In this moment all causes, solutions and answers can be found. Is it really that easy? Yes, it really is that easy.

You see a clear division right now: people who are moving towards the light and those who don't. And that divide will continue to grow. We are the product of the process. And everything in this classroom of earthly life is exactly arranged and designed for us as it must be in order to grow. There is no coincidence involved. And what about free will? This exists to a certain extent. If you take away from man his free will, it is impossible for him to grow. Choice is necessary. If you don't see the pitfalls of life, you just have to bust through the mess until you become aware of those pitfalls. You decide. That free choice is your only teacher. Anything you can imagine can become reality; all choices and all possibilities and circumstances. But everything stands or falls when making the choice to ultimately become that coherent light source that we are in essence. And that is why we must develop, to participate more and more consciously in this life.

We become more aware by becoming the answer to the experiences in this earthly classroom ourselves. How you react to the experiences shows where you are in your awareness process, in building your inner infrastructure. The purpose of this whole process is not to become who you really are. No, the goal is for you to express yourself more and more as you really are.

The soul is a storehouse of wisdom through experience of many, many lifetimes. And the soul has to go through all possible stages of experience in order to gain its knowledge. We are always faced with the choice: are we moving up or down in consciousness? It may also be that an individual stands still or stops developing. That is why re-embodiment, or being born again, is so important. It's about evolving through lives and seeing the world with your heart instead of your head. Your brain, your thoughts and your ego are helpful and important in life, but eventually you come to the realization that if you help someone else build themselves from within, you are building yourself at the same time. No expensive 'acceptance coaching' or other tricks. Your training material is provided to you daily - free of charge and for nothing - through everyday life. Every moment gives you plenty of opportunities to change not the event itself but your relationship with it.

Living the life that is yours. Fully experienced. That's what it's about.

What is the natural motivation of humans according to the text?
Answer: The natural motivation of humans is unity and wholeness, not competition.


This chapter aims to inspire and guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the universe. By embracing the concepts of unity, connection, choice, and the power of the soul, you can unlock your true potential and find your way in the world. And with the Quantum Approach to Achieving Success, you will be able to make all your dreams a reality.


  1. According to the text, what is the natural motivation of humans?

    A) Competition

    B) Unity and wholeness

    C) Power and control

    D) Wealth and success

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) Unity and wholeness. The text argues that the natural motivation of humans is to strive for unity and wholeness, rather than competition.

  2. What is the current view of the universe for most people, according to the text?

    A) A view of unity and interconnectedness

    B) A view of lack and scarcity

    C) A view of self-sufficiency

    D) A view of individualism

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) A view of lack and scarcity. The text states that most people currently view the universe as one of lack and scarcity, and that they see themselves and the natural world as separate entities.

  3. What is the role of the soul in gaining wisdom and knowledge, according to the text?

    A) The soul has no role in gaining wisdom and knowledge

    B) The soul is a storehouse of wisdom through experience of many, many lifetimes

    C) The soul is a tool for gaining knowledge and understanding through reason and logic

    D) The soul is a means of understanding the mysteries of the universe

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) The soul is a storehouse of wisdom through experience of many, many lifetimes. The text argues that the soul has to go through all possible stages of experience in order to gain its knowledge.

  4. What is the main purpose of the "earthly classroom" according to the text?

    A) To test man's ability to survive

    B) To provide the individual with opportunities to change their relationship with experiences

    C) To become who you really are

    D) To become more aware by becoming the answer to the experiences in this earthly classroom.

    Explanation: The correct answer is D) To become more aware by becoming the answer to the experiences in this earthly classroom. The text suggests that by reacting to experiences, one can learn where they are in their awareness process and build their inner infrastructure.

  5. What is the ultimate goal of the personal growth and development process according to the text?

    A) To become who you really are

    B) To express yourself more and more as you really are

    C) To reach enlightenment

    D) To understand the mysteries of the universe

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) To express yourself more and more as you really are. The text suggests that the ultimate goal of the personal growth process is not to become who you really are but to express yourself more and more as you really are.

How can I apply this today?

  1. Take some time to reflect on your own values and beliefs. Write down what you believe to be right and wrong, and how these personal values align with or differ from the cultural values of the society in which you live.

  2. Identify one area in your life where you feel disconnected or unfulfilled. Using the concept of choice and free will, think about how you can change your relationship with this aspect of your life to create a more positive experience.

  3. Practice connecting with others in your daily life. This can be as simple as smiling at a stranger, or taking the time to have a meaningful conversation with a friend or loved one. Notice how these connections make you feel and how they contribute to a sense of unity and wholeness in your life.

Food for Thought

  1. How does the concept of unity and interconnectedness change your understanding of the world and your place in it?

  2. In what ways does the idea of free will impact your understanding of personal responsibility and agency?

  3. How can the concept of the soul and past lives inform our understanding of personal growth and development?

  4. How can one apply the concept of unity and interconnectedness in their daily life?

  5. How can one use the concept of free will to make positive change in their life?

Expand your understanding

  1. "The Power of Unity: Understanding Interconnectedness" by Michael Tellinger (

  2. "The Role of the Soul in Personal Growth and Development" by Dr. Michael Newton (

  3. "The Importance of Free Will in Personal Growth and Development" by Dr. Stan Tatkin (