Eliot Couvat

Posted on Feb 17, 2022Read on Mirror.xyz

Forefront Digital Economy Canon - The Best Community Curated Resources

It’s no secret that new digital communities are forming and innovating at an unprecedented pace. In 2021, Social Tokens alone grew over 500% from January to June. Dozens of new tools for DAOs emerged - and like Legos, have been used to stimulate the creation of hundreds of new digital-native communities.

There is no article or book so far that can cover the depth and breadth of the Social Token space. However, the Forefront Writer’s Guild has curated a list of canonical resources related to digital-native token communities.

Throughout 10 weeks, we’ve asked Forefront community members to vote from this list for their favorite resources in the different categories. We came up with 17 resources that the community has elected as the best resources to represent the Social Token space.

We hope you will dive in and use this repository as a comprehensive guide covering the big picture, technical details, and practical operational guides.

If you’re interested in going further, you can access all sections and nominees on the Forefront Website.

Section 1 - Podcasts to Listen

  • Mint by Adam Levy

    Discover an exclusive look into how the creators of today are building the communities of tomorrow using web3 primitives like social tokens, DAOs, and NFTs, to name a few.

  • On The Other Side by Chase Chapman

    The Other Side is a podcast focused on the intersection of society, culture, and crypto. The crypto space is quickly moving past simply building infrastructure DeFi protocols and has spawned a cultural renaissance of sorts. Chase takes listeners down the crypto rabbit hole to explore topics such as building culture in crypto, finding your tribe, mental health in web3, and many more interesting points.

  • The Forefront Podcast by Forefront DAO

    The forefront podcast lets you explore & build at the Forefront of the Web3 playground. Avoid the noise and surface the signal on the state-of-the-art tokenized communities in the internet-native economy. Enjoy this biweekly roundup of the latest & greatest in social tokens, DAOs, and more.

Section 2 - Top Web3 Newsletters

  • Cup of NFT by Gian Ferrer & Elle

    Cup of NFT is the perfect newsletter to never miss an update on the latest in NFTs! Cup of NFT is a newsletter for people who view NFTs as a powerful tool for creation and empowerment. Every week, it shares high-signal news on culture, media, and NFTs, and features different kinds of artists from different parts of the world.

  • FF Newsletter by Forefront DAO

    The Forefront newsletter is a weekly newsletter showcasing content and market insights on Social Tokens and DAOs. Each Monday, Forefront will bring you the latest news, data, and insights on the projects, people, and trends driving the emerging social token space.

  • The Daily Ape by Darren Lau

    The Daily Ape is a daily newsletter that aggregates the top stories across the web3 space. It’s a really easy read that just includes headlines and links to read more on the topic. The newsletter is divided amongst different categories including news, DeFi, long reads, and project breakdowns.

Section 3 - Best Emergent Tokenized Communities

  • Llama

    Llama is a DAO that has built a suite of products surrounding treasury management for other DAOs. They currently work with some of the largest DAOs in the space including Aave, Uniswap, Gitcoin, and Friends with Benefits.

  • Forefront

    Forefront is the leading insight aggregator across the social token landscape. It’s the home of exclusive content on creator economy, a weekly newsletter and profiles for 23+ projects and counting.

  • Friends With Benefits

    Friends with Benefits is the ultimate cultural membership powered by a community of our favorite Web3 artists, operators, and thinkers bound together by shared values and shared incentives ($FWB).

  • Protein

    ProteinDAO is reimagining and redefining a new meaning of growth for this exciting new world. By regrounding their long-term community, they seek to create a place that encourages and nurtures a new definition of growth, based on mutual collaboration, conversation, and the needs of the community.

  • SeedClub

    Seed Club is a social token incubator. Through their 6 weeks program, they help creators launch and grow social token based projects. Their goal is to be community owned and governed.

Section 4 - Best Web3 Tools

  • Coinvise

    Coinvise allows anyone to launch and manage their own personal or community token and came up with an efficient set of tools that allow tokenized communities to do airdrops, vesting schedules, quests, and more. As the blockchain-powered creator economy continues to grow, powerful tools like Coinvise will become much more important in the near future.

  • ENS Domains

    The Ethereum Name Service(ENS) has been a fundamental building block of the web3 space. An ethereum iteration of DNS, it allows users to shorten their wallet addresses to customizable, digestible names of their choice. So instead of sending funds to a long traditional ethereum address, funds can be sent to yourname.eth.

  • Gnosis Safe

    Gnosis Safe is a smart contract wallet running on Ethereum that requires a minimum number of people to approve a transaction before it can occur (M-of-N). If for example you have 3 main stakeholders in your business, you are able to set up the wallet to require approval from all 3 people before the transaction is sent. This assures that no single person could compromise the funds.

Must Read Web3 Essays

  • A Prehistory of DAOs by Kei Kreutler

    This long-format essay retraces the history of DAOs. It aims to show future DAOs can move towards a syncretic theory of organizations, meaning a theory that incorporates a wide range of cultural patterns, practices, and influences while recognizing their inherited political biases.

  • Squad Wealth by OtherInternet (Sam Hart, Toby Shorin, Laura Lotti)

    Squads are reemerging today as a potent cultural force that rejects a strictly individualist market philosophy. This essay aims to explain how squads, thanks to a strong internal coordination, can decrease transaction costs, enabling greater productive capacities and financial opportunities as a group.

  • How I Got a Job in Ethereum & Crypto by Jackson Dame

    Jackson now has >45k followers on Twitter, works at most-loved ethereum wallet company Rainbow, and is probably one of the most knowledgeable people in the NFT space. But in the summer of 2020, Jackson knew close to nothing about crypto. Learn about what Jackson did to get immersed and land their first crypto job.

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