Rehash: A Web3 Podcast (NOW ON PARAGRAPH.XYZ)

Posted on Apr 13, 2023Read on

🎙️ S4 E9 | Millions of Modular Blockchains w/Jimmy Chang

Rehash is the first community-owned podcast, where community members help decide key podcast decisions, like which guests we host on the podcast. Rehash is hosted by Diana Chen and produced by Tyler Internet and Ellie Dots.


In Episode 9, we speak with Jimmy Chang about the essential pillars of every blockchain, the differences between monolithic blockchains and modular blockchains, rollups as a service, and what a future of one million blockchains might look like. Jimmy is the co-founder of Catalyst, a cross chain DEX for modular blockchains.

Jimmy was nominated by Diana Chen and voted onto the podcast by Paris Rouzati, Justin Conley, Nich, Chase Chapman, Christina Beltramini, David Phelps, Stefen Deleveaux, fifthworldzach, and Scott Moore.

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In one of the few technical episodes of Rehash, Jimmy Chang dives deep into blockchain technology, starting with an explanation of the essential elements of every blockchain and finishing with his thesis that there will be millions of blockchains in the future.

After working as a product manager at several web3 companies, including Aave, Unstoppable Domains, and Ripple, Jimmy started his own company, Catalyst, to help tackle an important problem from an infrastructure perspective that we’ll see in a world with millions of blockchains.

Jimmy does a great job breaking down complex technical concepts in an easy to understand way, even for nontechnical people. We talk about many of the technical buzzwords we’ve heard floating around recently, including modular blockchains, data availability, and rollups, and Jimmy pulls out some great analogies to explain what each one means in nontechnical terms.

Finally, I ask Jimmy about the many experiments he has run over the last few years, both in his capacity as the experiments lead at Aave, as well as in a personal capacity. He shares what he believes to be his most successful experiment and biggest failure, and we wrap up our conversation by reminiscing about our trek to Everest Base Camp last fall.

If you enjoyed this episode, you can collect it as a podcast NFT here. There are 20 editions available to collect at 0.005 ETH each. Collecting an episode gets you membership in Rehash DAO, which allows you to nominate guests for future seasons of the podcast. Read more about joining the DAO here.

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Season 4 Sponsors

Lens: a permissionless, composable, & decentralized social graph that makes building a Web3 social platform easy. Find us on Lens @rehash.lens.

Ambire Wallet: the web3 wallet that speaks human.

NFT.Storage: lets creators, artists, and developers store NFT data on decentralized networks easily, securely, and for free (powered by IPFS and Filecoin).

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