
Posted on May 04, 2024Read on Mirror.xyz

GOAT to Mainnet: #3 How Does Goat.Tech Work? Trust Score Explained

How Goat.Tech works?

How Goat.Tech works?

Stake $ETH to validate Trust:

The central idea behind Goat.Tech is the concept of a "Trust Pool". This is a unique mechanism where individuals can show their trust in others by staking $ETH in each other's trust pools. This approach is a reflection of the real-world process of trust-building and it is gamified through a set of rules encoded in smart contracts.

This system emulates the real-life mechanism of building and breaking trust. It's not based on the number of transactions or the amount of money one has, but rather on the amount of trust one can garner from others in the Ethereum community. It effectively means that the more ETH others stake to you, the higher your reputation score.

Stake $ETH to earn yields and pave the way for more opportunities:

One key advantage of Goat.Tech is that it not only establishes a measure of trust but also rewards ETH stakers with multiple types of rewards. This extends the project's mission beyond just creating a dApp. Goat.Tech aspires to establish an Ethereum rollup as the single most trustworthy source of on-chain reputation data. This data can then be accessed and utilized by dApps from any blockchain.

In the near future, Goat.Tech also offers all users the chance to earn yields through ETH staking and re-staking, thanks to EigenLayer. This makes Goat.Tech an attractive option for ETH maximalists who can increase their ETH balance, build their reputation, and unlock additional rewards. Additionally, Goat.Tech provides beneficial opportunity for KOLs to leverage their community to stake in their Trust Pool, effectively monetizing their reputation in a sustainable way. Everyday Web3 users, on the other hand, can participate in validating the trustworthiness of people while getting rewarded in 10 different ways.

Trust Score and Trust Circle Marketing Explained:

Goat.Tech is leading the way with Trust-to-Earn and Trust Circle Marketing concepts with Trust Score as its core. These ideas recognize that trustworthiness is best measured by the willingness of individuals to lock up their funds for one another.

Trust Score at Goat.Tech is your on-chain reputation

Trust Score is an innovative rating score introduced by Goat.Tech, driving reputation-based rewards, facilitating yield via ETH staking and community-driven mechanisms, revolutionizes how trust is established and rewarded.

Technically, Trust Score, or Onchain Reputation, is the balance of a soulbound token. This data can be fed on-chain by any Dapp on the same chain or transmitted through cross-chain messaging protocols to any chain, even non-EVM chains like Solana.

Calculation of Trust Score:

What is Trust Score at Goat.Tech based on?

Trust Score is your on-chain reputation score, which is based on:

  • How much and how long $ETH is lock-staked in your Trust Pool

  • How much and how long $GOAT is locked-staked in your Trust Pool

  • How you treat your liquid asset.

In addition to the existing three factors, Goat.Tech plans to include more factors into the Trust Score calculation in the future. This will enhance the diversity and dynamism of the Trust measure. Such factors include:

  • External Booster (involve on-chain or off-chain data from third-party providers);

  • NFT Booster (the number, duration, and type of NFTs staked);

  • Token Booster (evaluate the quantity and duration of an affiliated token locked or staked in your pool).

Technically, Trust Score is calculated based on your Financial Stability (FS), Booster, and the sum of the Staking Power of all your stakers.

Your Trust Score = Financial_stability x Booster x Sum of Staking Power of all of your Stakers

Financial Stability (FS)

Financial Stability (FS) measures how stable your current earnings are compared to the most you've earned before.

To measure your Financial Stability, we look at your current earnings (ETH_Earning) and divide it by the highest amount you've ever earned (Max_ETH_Earning).

Financial_Stability = ETH_Earning / Max_ETH_Earning

ETH_Earning = your current earning balance (that comes from 10 types of rewards)

Max_ETH_Earning = your highest ETH Earning balance to date


Booster is like a bonus that increases when you stake GOAT tokens in your own pool.

Booster = 1 + (Max_booster - 1) x (your Boost-Vote Power / highest Boost-Vote Power among all users)

Here's how it works:

  • The more GOAT tokens you stake, and the higher your Boost-Vote Power, the more your Booster increases. This creates competition among users to stake more GOAT tokens and get the highest Booster possible.

  • Max_booster is 2 and will increase over time to boost the demand of GOAT token.

Staking Power

Staking Power is the multiplied amount of ETH staked by a user in a pool.

Trust Score -

A measure of Reputation, Reimagined with Yields

Trust Score is more than just a measure of on-chain Reputation. It is a concept reimagined with Yields.

  • It is socially and actively validated, influenced by other entities, not merely based on past on-chain activities.

  • It is gamified, with various types of rewards incentivizing participants to validate or invalidate one’s reputation to their best knowledge.

  • It is on-chain, can be fed by any dApp to assess, classify or target users.

  • It is dynamic, self-adjusts to reflect real-life liquidity situation that drives on-chain activities.

  • It is yield-bearing, earn ETH staking and later restaking yields while building your reputation or helping validate others’.

  • It is decentralized, not dependent on centralized algorithms or labels.

Understanding Trust Circle Marketing

One of transformative concepts at Goat.Tech is Trust Circle Marketing, set to revolutionize the way we interact with decentralized networks. This innovative strategy takes advantage of the inherently trust-based nature of blockchain systems to create a reward-driven ecosystem.

At its core, Trust Circle Marketing is a unique system of earning benefits by establishing and maintaining relationships with other participants in the network.

The Rules of Trust Circle Marketing

Trust Circle Marketing operates on a few key principles:

  • As a Trustor, you pick your Trustees by having the highest Staking Power in their pool. This earns you a Trustor Reward from their earnings.

Trustor is the one who has the highest Staking Power in your pool

  • Your Trustor = the one who has the highest Staking Power in your pool. You can have only 1 Trustor.

Trustees are all users who have you as their Trustor.

  • Your Trustees = all users who have you as their Trustor. You can have unlimited Trustees.

How Trust Circle Marketing works?

  1. Give to Earn: To start earning commissions, find promising Trustees to stake $ETH in their pool and become their Trustor.

  2. Dynamic Relationship: Your Trustor is not permanent. Once someone stakes more ETH to your pool than your Trustor does, he/she will become your new Trustor.

  3. Earning from Trustor: As you earn consistently, many people will want to become your Trustor, Stake ETH to your pool, further increasing your earning in both ETH and GOAT.

  4. Earning from Trustees: You can stake ETH and become the Trustor of as many Trustees as you like, and earn a share of their earnings, as well as earnings from their Trustees, and so on.

Trustee Snatching & Trustor Protection

Trustee Snatching:

Trustee Snatching is a unique aspect of Trust Circle Marketing. If you stake in a user's pool and your new Staking Power surpasses the pool owner's Trustor's Staking Power, you become the new Trustor.

Trustor Protection:

  • If you are Trustor:

To ensure that early Trustors are protected, we have something called "Current Trustor Advantage," which gets stronger as time passes. The longer you stay a user's Trustor, the harder it becomes for your to be replaced.

  • If you are Trustee:

When someone new stakes in your pool, they must have greater Staking Power the current Trustor's to become the new Trustor. Therefore, people who want to become your Trustor have to race to stake the most ETH in your pool.


Trust Score is not just a concept limited to the Goat.Tech ecosystem. It has potential applications in the broader blockchain and crypto world. For instance, a high Trust Score could make a wallet address more attractive for airdrops or other types of token distribution. This was exemplified when Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, was entrusted with half of the total supply of SHIB tokens because of his reputable status within the crypto space.

As we continue to innovate and validate trust in the decentralized space, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Be part of the Goat.Tech community, stake, earn, and contribute to the evolution of on-chain reputation.

GOAT.Tech Updates:

Testnet Milestones:

Arb Testnet Milestones

We successfully launched the protocol on the Arb Testnet, gaining 46K users, along with a substantial amount of 212K ETH staked and 4,1K ETH & 7,9M GOAT harvested in just one month.

GOAT dApp Mainnet Updates:

GOAT Mainnet Launch on Arbitrum

The GOAT Mainnet Launch on Arbitrum will go live on May 13th.

Benefits of participating in Mainnet Event and stake ETH early:

  • Self-Stake with no fee, no risk, only profit;

  • Farm the most Mainnet Points the earliest (convertible to $Goat after TGE);

  • Attract all early stakers and earn up to 5% of staking volume in your pool;

  • ⁠Get early Invite Code to start referring others, earn 20% Mainnet Points from direct referrals and 5% from indirect referrals;

  • Stake first in KOLs/whales you refer (ask them to create account and send you their Profile link first) to become their "Trustor" and start earning 30% of their earnings.

Goat.Tech Social Channels:

Here's a list of official Goat.Tech channels. To ensure security, always double-check the URLs before accessing them.

Website: https://goat.tech/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goatxtech

Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/goatxtech

Telegram Group Chat: https://t.me/goatxtech_global

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JSsWuPVVkV

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/goatxtech


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