Take it iZi

Posted on May 25, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

How to complete “Free the Water Beast”

Get iZiSwap LP NFT

Select "Liquidity", and we have 3 liquidity mining models: "Fixed Range", "One Side", "Dynamic Range". Learn more details about models, click here.

Here we take "Dynamic" - slETH/iUSD as an example.

Click the "Connect Wallet" button to connect your wallet.

Click the “Details” button “🔽” on the right of the “ slETH/iUSD”.

Set the volume of slETH and iUSD, input the number of iUSD, it will automatically give the number of slETH.

(Trading on iZiSwap is an option if you don't have the necessary assets to farm. The following is a simple transaction procedure; if you are able to skip it, do so.)

1.Enter to “Swap“ page.

2.Choose assets that you want to trade, and input the amount. (As an ETH-iUSD example, here)

3.You could enter the name of the token or paste address.

4.Click “Swap“, and confirm on the Metamask.

5.Wait for a bit. If the transaction is successful, a message will appear in the bottom right corner of the page.

Price range is seated as the default, you can change it as you wish, but follow the default price range will get the maximum APR.

Approve iUSD and slETH. Then click “Add Liquidity”,and confirm the transaction on wallet.

After you click "Add Liquidity", we will help you to get a Positions NFT from iZiSwap.

Start to farm

When you get your Positions NFT,You can find “$ Farming” In the upper left corner. It means the farming was started already.

Note: Liquidity position(s) that value over 30 USD and stake at least a day, and on-chain snapshots will be taken every 24 hours during the campaign period. We will update credentials in 48 hours, please be patient!

You can boost the APY when you stake with “Boost” and the rate up to 2.5x.This process needs some $iZi to stake.

Input the amount you want to stake,Click “Approve iZi” then click “Boost”.

Claim & Withdraw

Click the “Harvest” button, the reward will be sent to your wallet.

About withdraw, you should click “Unstake” your NFT.

Then your assets will be sent to your wallet automatically.