Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Jan 03, 2023Read on

3.6.4 Follow your heart but also your mind

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves" - William Shakespeare

Know yourself. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself

Are you looking to tap into your true potential and unlock a state of flow in your life? Recent research suggests that the key to unlocking this powerful state may lie in the balance between our hearts and minds. In this text, you will discover the key components to accessing the flow state and how to harness the power of your heart and mind to achieve greatness.

You will discover:

  1. The connection between the heart and mind and how to balance them to access the flow state.

  2. Strategies for becoming fully aware and listening to the signals of your heart

  3. How to navigate the tension between planning and the present moment to achieve your goals

Recent research shows that your heart radiates a hundred times more energy than your mind. But blindly following your heart is like only working hard; you need to balance it out with a bit of a healthy mind. The combination of heart & head can bring you into the Flow-state, a very powerful high state of being (in sports/games this is known as being in the zone). This is where you connect with your true self and let your mind support you (not guide you). Your mind is a powerful servant, but a terrible master.

For now, if you really can’t wait: to get in to flow, is to don't get stuck in your brain by overthinking too much. You can be more in now and more in your body and heart (= less in mind, remember opposites) by being fully aware. To become fully aware, is deliberately slow down your actions and do things in slow motion. While doing this, watch your breathing for a while. Gradually start to feel your body. If you have one of your hands free, place it on your chest above the heart. Let it sit there for a while, and keep breathing and feeling: what does your heart tell you to do? If you don’t know/feel; what gives you energy? The more energy, the better. Still no idea? What drains your energy? Don’t do those things. Your heart is the energy spectrum that guides you. Do you have the guts to follow it, or is your mind throwing fearful scenario’s at you?

Learn to listen to Flow. Flow (now) > goals (future). Planning and goals are important (originates from ego), but Flow is more powerful (originates from the cosmos). We flow from our heart (swim with the current), and we force from our mind (swim against the current). Mix them.

Fair warning: the further you plan for the future / the bigger your plan, the bigger your ego, and the larger the risk you are disconnected from the Flow at that moment. So small steps in front of you, one at a time (= being in NOW) while also watching at the horizon (= begin in FUTURE). Remember your true potential, your best self is NOT in the future, it is in the choice you make now. How do you cope with the challenges presented by the universe today? You are exactly where you should be, and the universe has an ask and task for you at this very moment. You decide now to grow into your better self (the one you have envisioned on the horizon).

Sometimes you chose with your heart, sometimes you will let your mind guide you. Whatever you do, do only one thing at a time. With ALL of your might. Geniuses understand that it's smarter to create one masterwork than one thousand ordinary pieces. As you start to live like this, the majority will call you crazy. Remember that being labeled a freak is the price of greatness. Nietzche: those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. And Van Gogh: find your path and inner voice. The best way to hear it is to do a great deal of loving. Know yourself. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself.

Today's science shows us that there is an incessant conversation between our hearts and our brains; this is also known as 'coherence'. This coherence is based on the idea that what we feel in our heart sends a signal to our brain, which influences the chemistry of the body and thus the world around us.

Our heartbeat, brain waves, and breathing all have a certain rhythm. With high heart coherence, these rhythms start to resonate, which creates a certain vibration frequency and our brain, heart and body communicate optimally. Our body and the world around us are made up of energy fields. These are inextricably linked with each other and influence each other continuously. Some of those energy fields are electrical, others magnetic, and quantum fields are also part of them. So our world consists of electromagnetic and quantum energy fields. It is perfectly logical that we can communicate with that energy, after all we are not outside it, but part of it. What current science has shown us in the last three or four years is that the human heart is the most powerful generator of electrically charged information in the body. Even a hundred times more powerful than our brains. We used to be told that our brain was in charge. Everything happened there, and from there everything came into being. But new science shows us that the brain gets its information from the heart and that the magnetic force (ie attraction) of the heart is five thousand times stronger than that of our brain. The only way to get to that electromagnetic force is to have a certain feeling. By appealing to the right feeling in ourselves, we appeal to that power and we can profoundly influence our body and the world around us. So you create much more with what you say than with what you think.

We must first become what we want to experience ourselves. We should claim things in our hearts instead of thinking about them with our brains. That is difficult matter for Westerners, who are conditioned to live from their heads. You can master ancient spiritual techniques to go from your head to your heart. Which, by the way, are quite simple. Touching your heart area with fingertips or part of the hand; the center of the chest. The feeling of a light pressure at the level of their heart makes the attention go to the hat area. This is one of the secrets to keeping the focus in your heart. This is why the monks in monasteries do this for hours on end.

Feel peace in your heart. Not thinking about it with your head, but really feeling it with your heart. An ink drop that gives color to the water jug. The magical (attraction) power of the heart is unprecedented and affects a wide geographic area (research 1988 on people in war zones who influence their environment through heart meditations:

Source (!!!): Gregg Braden (hartcoherentie, energie en kwantumprincipe).

Note: there is a very subtle difference between working towards a certain result (genizing) and the quantum principle, which means that you start with the outcome. Accept the miracle as if it has already happened. Start from there and be what you want to experience, totally identify with it. You claim it by feeling it as if it has already happened, and by being grateful as if it has already happened.

Close the integrity gap between what the heart truly wants and what the head suggests. Surrender, and have faith in how the universe designed you.

What you should remember

  • Welcome to the slogan ‘have the courage to follow your heart’. I can imagine this is scary in the beginning, but try this from time to time and witness that your mind is often displaying extreme scenarios that play out very differently. You suffer most im your imagination. The alternative of skipping this exercise: are you really willing to have never followed your heart in life? Isn’t that the greatest risk and tragedy of all?

  • When climbing summits: force a bit with grit (swim against stream), but make mileage with Flow (swim with stream). Close this integrity gap between what the heart truly wants and what the head suggests. Surrender, and have faith in how the universe designed you. Do not fear your true self.

Q: What is the key to accessing the flow state?
A: The key to accessing the flow state is balancing the energy of the heart and the mind.


By learning to listen to the signals of your heart and balancing them with the guidance of your mind, you can access a powerful state of flow in your life. Remember, rest is just as important as hard work in achieving greatness. It is essential to find balance in order to tap into your true potential. Take the first step and dive into the chapter "Understanding the Power of the Heart" and discover how to harness the power of your heart to achieve greatness.


  1. What is the connection between the heart and mind in accessing the flow state?

    A) The heart is the key to accessing the flow state

    B) The mind is the key to accessing the flow state

    C) The balance between the heart and mind is key to accessing the flow state

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is C) The balance between the heart and mind is key to accessing the flow state. The text discusses the idea that the heart radiates a hundred times more energy than the mind, but it is important to balance this energy with a healthy mind in order to access the flow state.

  2. What is the Flow-state?

    A) A state of being in which one connects with their true self and the mind supports them

    B) A state of being in which one connects with their true self and the heart supports them

    C) A state of being in which one connects with their true self and the brain supports them

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) A state of being in which one connects with their true self and the mind supports them. The text defines the flow state as a powerful high state of being where the mind supports the individual rather than guiding them

  3. What is the best way to hear your inner voice?

    A) By doing a great deal of loving

    B) By overthinking

    C) By planning

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) By doing a great deal of loving. The text suggests that the best way to hear your inner voice is by doing a great deal of loving.

  4. What is coherence?

    A) The connection between the heart and mind

    B) The incessant conversation between the heart and brain

    C) The balance between the heart and mind

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) The incessant conversation between the heart and brain. Coherence is defined as the incessant conversation between the heart and brain in the text.

  5. What is the key to communicating with energy fields?

    A) Being part of it

    B) Being in the flow state

    C) Being outside of it

    D) None of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) Being part of it. The text states that it is perfectly logical that we can communicate with energy fields because we are not outside of it but part of it.

How can I apply this today

  1. Take some time to slow down and become fully aware of your body and breath. Place one hand on your chest above your heart and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

  2. Take note of any feelings or signals that your heart may be sending you.

  3. Choose one small step to take in the present moment that aligns with those signals from your heart.

  4. Reflect on your experience and take note of any changes in your energy levels or sense of connection to the present moment.

  5. Repeat this exercise for at least one week, and notice how your sense of connection to the present moment and alignment with your heart's signals evolves over time.

Food for thought

  1. How do you currently balance the guidance of your heart and mind in your decision-making?

  2. How might becoming more in tune with the signals of your heart change the way you approach your goals and plans for the future?

  3. In what areas of your life do you currently feel most disconnected from the present moment? How might incorporating the practices discussed in this text help you to become more present and connected in those areas?

  4. What are some of the biggest obstacles you have encountered when trying to tap into the flow state? How might you overcome those obstacles in the future?

  5. What are some of the benefits of being in the flow state? How might these benefits impact your overall well-being and happiness?

Expand your understanding

  1. The Heartmath Solution" by Doc Childre and Howard Martin -

  2. "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle -

  3. "The Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi -

  4. "The Heart-Brain Connection" by P. R. R. -

  5. "The Heart's Intelligences" by Doc Childre and Howard Martin -