Bing Ventures

Posted on Jul 30, 2022Read on

What Are We Talking About When We Talk About “MaaS”?

By Kyle, Investment Manager@Bing Ventures

Based on the evolution of this cycle, it appears that there has not been any great success story for implementing DAOs and MaaS (Metaverse as-a-service) into traditional Web2.0 businesses. Web3.0 is far from being deeply coupled to the meta-universe.

Zilliqa is an ancient Layer1 blockchain protocol that is attempting to transform to support the extended reality (XR) metaverse, providing its partners with the underlying infrastructure of the MaaS platform.

In this article, we explore what MaaS is, how Zilliqa and Metapolis have performed since its launch as a solution to extend the reality meta-universe, and what further growth catalysts to watch for in the coming months.

What is MaaS?

Although the concept of MaaS seems new, it has been used in similar scenarios throughout the world. It has been used in traditional fields such as finance, games, and commerce, essentially to bridge the technological gap between supply and demand in the metasomes, allowing capital to flow more efficiently between the two ends.

The success and mass adoption of the metaverse depends on user-built capabilities. In other words, the use of metaverse as a service must be done in an environment of trust and low friction as much as possible.

Source: Metapolis

Public chain projects are currently unproven in the Web3 metasemes, including Ethereum. But in the long run, the practical exploration of introducing MaaS into your business for customization will help business users find the most value in MaaS products. It will enable its users to customise their own virtual universes from A-Z and will be the basis of A pluralistic Internet.

So, what is MaaS? This is a brand-customised blockchain service model. The MaaS platform is capable of creating a digital environment tailored to the unique needs of each user, regardless of design. The MaaS solution will be key for metaverse to succeed as a practical concept.

In addition to powerful interaction capabilities and low barriers to entry in the physical world, MaaS also customises the rules of the game for token distribution and circulation to create a positive feedback loop for user motivation. Zilliqa is one such clever blockchain network that captures the value of protocols in an efficient way.

Sharding technology: the perfect answer to MaaS

Next we need a common definition of the key technical indicators that are often discussed in MaaS. Scalability and high capacity are critical for mainstream adoption of the metaverse. No matter how fast the blockchain grows, breaking it up into smaller pieces will have a lighter technical effect, greatly reducing the execution burden. This is the main idea behind sharding. Zilliqa Blockchain is already using sharding technology to make their blockchain lighter and network faster.

Source: changelly

The idea of sharding is to improve efficiency by breaking up the blockchain into lighter units. These “shards” store different types of data and are independent of other shards. Blockchain projects that use sharding technology are using different strategies to create efficient communication between sharding. Zilliqa uses a sharding technique called Partitioned Sharding.

In the Zilliqa blockchain, sharding occurs in three different layers:

  • Network sharding: The nodes of the network are divided into different shards. Each shard is then responsible for processing a subset of incoming transactions. For example, if there are 1000 nodes, Zilliqa can split them into 10 different shards through network sharding. In this scenario, the network can be expanded 10 times to handle more transactions.
  • Transaction sharding: Incoming transactions are divided between different shards. Each shard then processes the transaction and sends it back to the responsible node for binding. Allocation strategies vary depending on the type of transaction. In general, shard nodes handle payments and simple smart contract transactions, while DS committees handle execution of the smart contract chain.
  • Computation sharding: This mechanism is used to divide up computing power to process transactions between nodes. Unfortunately, there is no documentation on the details of this mechanism.

Transaction and computation sharding are built on top of network sharding. In this way, sharding allows the entire network to access balance and transaction data efficiently, but without the need for each node on the network to have a huge copy of its own entire record. Nodes only process the shards to which they are assigned.

Maximise the number of confirmable transactions per second. Metapolis is a highly immersive and gamified XR meta-universe platform built using The sharding technology of Zilliqa blockchain, which is highly scalable and uses less energy than other blockchains.

The ability to operate under the dome

Metapolis, as the first Metaverse as-A-Service platform created by Zilliqa, highlights include:

  • Built specifically for interoperability, Metapolis is a multiverse without digital boundaries, thanks to its open transport between cities.
  • Advanced game engine — Using Unity technology to ensure that each location is visually appealing and fully operational.
  • User safety first — Metapolis ensures the highest level of security by knowing your customer (KYC) checks and regulations.

At present, Metapolis mainly opens up the demand gap of customisation through offline resource expansion. Metapolis is launching a new initiative to support creators focused on sustainable fashion and create fashion NFT for Metapolis Avatars. Metapolis will be the first platform of its kind to offer this level of personalisation and API integration.

Source: House of Chimera

Once in, users will receive fully customisable NFT avatars that will represent their digital identity in Metapolis, and users will be able to accomplish things like attending concerts and fashion shows, teleporting between cities, and accessing, buying, selling, or trading digital assets. As use cases have increased, Metapolis has begun looking for greener farms.

The growing success of Metapolis bodes well for Zilliqa’s future. Metapolis’ growth is currently being hampered by a limited number of large-scale developers and Zilliqa’s traction. This is a short-term problem, as Zilliqa is introducing software development kits (SDKS) to help users with different technical abilities build games.

Metapolis is right to prioritise P2E games and the NFT industry. Users will have a broader opportunity to leverage their NFT and capital to realise revenue opportunities. In Web3, Zilliqa’s technology is bridging the virtual and physical worlds. Trying to get at the root of the problem of people becoming users of protocols and getting benefits in the process. How to achieve this without the need for trust. How to get tokens to flow naturally to users who can actually help with the protocol’s positive feedback loop. Therefore, the introduction of a money market in MaaS is clearly necessary.

All for Earn

When it comes to MaaS, I think it’s important not to overlook the importance of X-to-earn. In a small sense, X-to-earn is the link for projects to create ownership, build consensus and establish common interests. In the larger sense, X-to-earn is the core economic model that determines how MaaS will serve token holders and continue to generate profits for them.

MaaS tested Metapolis’ exploration of SBT (Soulbound Token) and equity NFT application scenario design. I have a strong hunch that the next MetaFi bull market will most likely be tied to Soulbound’s key growth points. It’s all for Earn, and crafting MaaS for Earn is the way to go. Web3 will eventually return to the basic business logic of satisfying user needs and settling user value.

Source: DappRadar

Although Metapolis got off to a relatively slow start, as the team tries out more native token incentives in the future, it will unleash further development and user adoption of the P2 game expansion solution. In the whole MaaS, it is essential to design token governance and mining around business rather than liquidity, which is the main purpose of The Times to tilt the balance towards Web3.0.

Layer1 public chains like Zilliqa that focus on speed, compatibility, and interoperability must accelerate EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) support to simplify the migration of other application ecosystems to Zilliqa. In particular, extend DeFi product support for initial liquidity pools in the metaverse.

Especially when Web3 is absorbing the maximum size and needs of Web2 users, the protocol should promise to increase rewards for governance roles. Purely from a business model perspective, the Metapolis agreement will only be appreciated in the medium to long term if the MaaS design moves in the direction of X-to-earn and governance mining.