Renaissance Labs

Posted on Feb 14, 2022Read on

Solana 众知


Fact Sheet

  • Instructions are the most basic operational unit on Solana
  • Each instruction contains:
    • The program_id of the intended program
    • An array of all accounts it intends to read from or write to
    • An instruction_data byte array that is specific to the intended program
  • Multiple instructions can be bundled into a single transaction
  • Each transaction contains:
    • An array of all accounts it intends to read from or write to
    • One or more instructions
    • A recent blockhash
    • One or more signatures
  • Instructions are processed in order and atomically
  • If any part of an instruction fails, the entire transaction fails.
  • Transactions are limited to 1232 bytes


The Solana network collects two types of fees:

In Solana, transaction fees are deterministic: there is no concept of a fee market in which users can pay higher fees to increase their chances of being included in the next block. At the time of this writing, transaction fees are determined only by the number of signatures required (i.e. lamports_per_signature), not by the amount of resources used. This is because there is currently a hard cap of 1232 bytes on all transactions.

All transactions require at least one writable account to sign the transaction. Once submitted, the writable signer account that is serialized first will be the fee payer. This account will pay for the cost of the transaction regardless of whether the transaction succeeds or fails. If the fee payer does not have a sufficient balance to pay the transaction fee, the transaction will be dropped.

At the time of this writing, 50% of all transaction fees are collected by the validator that produces the block, while the remaining 50% are burned. This structure works to incentivize validators to process as many transactions as possible during their slots in the leader schedule.


Fact Sheet

  • Programs process instructions from both end users and other programs
  • All programs are stateless: any data they interact with is stored in separate accounts that are passed in via instructions
  • Programs themselves are stored in accounts marked as executable
  • All programs are owned by the BPF Loaderopen in new window and executed by the Solana Runtimeopen in new window
  • Developers most commonly write programs in Rust or C++, but can choose any language that targets the LLVMopen in new window's BPFopen in new window backend
  • All programs have a single entry point where instruction processing takes place (i.e. process_instruction); parameters always include:
    • program_id: pubkey
    • accounts: array,
    • instruction_data: byte array


Account Model

There are 3 kinds of accounts on Solana:

  • Data accounts store data
  • Program accounts store executable programs
  • Native accounts that indicate native programs on Solana such as System, Stake, and Vote

Within data accounts, there are 2 types:

  • System owned accounts
  • PDA (Program Derived Address) accounts

Each account has an address (usually a public key) and an owner (address of a program account). The full field list an account stores is found below.


There are a few important ownership rules:

  • Only a data account's owner can modify its data and debit lamports
  • Anyone is allowed to credit lamports to a data account
  • The owner of an account may assign a new owner if the account's data is zeroed out

Program accounts do not store state.

Fact Sheet

  • Accounts are used to store data
  • Each account has a unique address
  • Accounts have a max size of 10mb
  • PDA accounts have a max size of 10kb
  • PDA accounts can be used to sign on behalf of a program
  • Account size is static
  • Account data storage is paid with rent
  • Default account owner is the System Program


Pubkey实际上就是32个字符表示的base58的Account地址,在Instruction中,我们看到的ProgramId 就是这样的类型,因为Program本身其实是一个文件,也就是Account,只是是可执行的文件。






