alaminh | ClaimDrop

Posted on Nov 30, 2022Read on

Layer Zero Potential Airdrop Guide

LayerZero $ZRO token is coming & Airdrop is almost confirmed for specific platform users.

For more earning opportunity & airdrop updates, please join our Telegram Channel. Also I am there always to support you guys.

LayerZero is a cross-chain messaging system to send messages between different blockchains. Supporting major layer1s like Eth, $APT, OP, $ARB, and more

⚡️We will use some platform that live on Layer zero protocol to increase our chance for $ZRO Airdrop.

⚡️First, join discord: , be activce on discord


Stargate is first project to be live on Layer zero protocol. We can get airdrop potentially by becoming a Dao voter of Stargate.

We need to stake STG token on stargate to get voting power of stargate Dao. It can be done on any network but i suggest you to buy & stake STG on ethereum mainnet.

⚡️ 15$ ETH on mainnet is enough for this task.

⚡️After you stake STG you can participate on voting here:

  • You can’t vote on running voting, need to wait till next proposal to vote.

⚡️Secondly, use stargate bridge:

  • Bridge between EVM network & create some volume

LZ Domain:

LZ is first name service on LayerZero protocol

LiquidSwap by Pontem Network:

We need to use Liquidswap bridge, it also using layer zero protocol.

Aptos Bridge by LayerZero:

This bridge is similar to above bridge.

Harmony One bridge by LayerZero:

Sushi Swap:

Sushi Swap also live on LayerZero protocol. Swap here & add some liquidity.

⚡️This is mainnet guide, for testnet guide follow this article, testnet guide not fully updated yet.

⚡️You can use above dapp on any network but my suggestion is to must do some transaction on ethereum network.

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