
Posted on May 09, 2024Read on

New Beginnings: Yup on Base, Creator-Focused

Yup is starting a new phase in its existence, doubling down on creator features and rewards. We’re working hard to make Yup the best place to post from in web3 social, and we’re excited to do it on the most consumer-aligned chain in web3.

Launching YUP on Base

YUP on Base | Rewards | Bridge | LPs

The Yup community is set for a significant advancement—our launch on Base, a cutting-edge Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution. This move aligns with our ongoing commitment to leverage the best technology for community benefit and to integrate more closely with the broader Web3 ecosystem.

Why Base?

  • Community and Ecosystem Alignment: Base is chosen by key Web3 social platforms in the Farcaster ecosystem. Aligning with Base connects us to successful NFT and memecoin projects, paving the way for future collaborations.

  • Lower Transaction Costs: Switching to Base's L2 will cut gas fees significantly, making transactions more affordable for users. Base enables the YUP ecosystem to handle more transactions, essential for our growing user base and complex services.

  • Bridging the Gap - Base and Yup's Web3 Onboarding Power: Base is revolutionizing how users transition from Web2 to Web3, setting a new standard in blockchain bridging speed. Yup is similarly transforming Web2 Social into Web3 Social, empowering decentralized social creation to build broader audiences.

New Reward Mechanism

As a part of this launch, YUP rewards have been modified to prioritize top posters and Yup users. The best way to earn is to create quality content via Yup and post it to as many platforms as you can. There are additional rewards for liquidity providers.

Impact on YUP Holders

  • Smooth Bridging Process: Holders will bridge their YUP tokens to Base using a trusted third-party bridge, designed for ease and security, without the need for swapping tokens.

  • Extended Transition Period: We're providing a generous window for everyone to move their tokens. This period ensures that the transition is smooth and that all community members can adjust without pressure.

  • Maintained User Experience: The functionality that our community values will remain intact, simply transitioning to a more efficient and scalable network.

Stay engaged through our official Discord and discussion forums, where we will provide continuous updates and support discussions on the migration process.

The Ultimate Posting App

This migration to Base is more than a technical upgrade—it’s a strategic move to position Yup at the heart of the thriving Web3 ecosystem and start fresh. As we look forward to this exciting phase, we are committed to focusing on our product in order to drive interest in our community. With this new beginning, we’ve started releasing some key creator-focused features to stand out as the best app for posting.

Switching accounts - Switch seamlessly between accounts and enable roles for team members of shared brand accounts.

Home page dedicated to posting - Quicker and cleaner interface for creators to post and crosspost from Yup.

Scheduled posts manager - Upgraded system for scheduling posts and managing scheduled posts.

AI-powered post quality score - Get feedback on the quality and potential success of your post before submitting.

Shared accounts - Collaborators and team members can co-own an account and manage it directly.

Coming Soon: Yup Pro

In our continued effort to support creators, we are excited to announce the upcoming release of Yup Pro. This premium offering will provide advanced tools and features designed to enhance your content creation experience and maximize your engagement. YUP Token holders will receive a discount on subscriptions. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting development.

Content Rewards

You can claim your rewards here Users who have created content can claim directly from the app daily.

Liquidity Rewards

Staking rewards will be given out to the YUP-ETH pair on Base Uniswap V3. You don’t need to stake LP tokens, as long as you’re providing liquidity to the right pair. You can claim your rewards here.

How to Bridge

Users can use Squid V2 (Axelar) for instant bridging.


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