Agent Token Protocol

Posted on Nov 19, 2022Read on

Relay Chat Upgrades

It's been a minute since we first introduced Receiver, our universal site inbox. We want to provide a glimpse into what new features are coming to Receiver as we focus on this simple and powerful chat solution.

Because Receiver users are web3 wallets, it becomes possible to change permissions and visibility based on the contents of those wallets—compared to email addresses, which are simply strings of characters and contain nothing. The customizability of this wallet dynamic leads to finer-tuned functionality for viewing your inbox. And what else can you do with the contents of a wallet? While messaging with another address or app, you should be able to trade and interact with them.

The best context for on-chain actions

The biggest consequence of wallet chat is the ability for messages to interact with the contents of communicating wallets themselves. Inside Receiver is the best place for two users to conduct a trade or complete a 2-party transaction, because it allows all relevant information to stay tightly woven to the context of the conversation.

Planned Integrations include:

On-chain integrations are the ultimate form of contextual communication, and will easily expand beyond NFT commerce into more DeFi, swaps, and governance activity.

Your inbox: restrict it, filter it, sort it.

Token-gating allows rules to be set where only wallets meeting certain token criteria can participate. Limiting the discussion to relevant parties (such as holders of a specific NFT like a POAP, a DAO token, or delegation relationship) lends functionality towards maintaining a good signal-noise ratio.

For commercial purposes, a limit like “only allow wallets with enough funds to actually purchase my BAYC to communicate with me" can be extremely time-saving. Additionally, we’ll detail in a separate post how we are implementing group chat with token requirements, difficult to do with a decentralized and open chat platform!

The same wallet content checking can be extended to create inbox-filtering mechanisms that sort messages or toggle visibility based on the sender's wallet. Because wallet chat is an open protocol (like email), it's crucial to develop anti-spam measures that keep user inboxes tidy, sorted, and relevant.

The fastest way to add wallet chat

With Relay chat we’re excited to introduce things impossible to do on Telegram or Discord, helping you with both more powerful tools and more relevant conversations with other addresses and apps. Read more about getting Receiver on your site on Github and reach out to us with any questions on our Discord.