
Posted on Feb 18, 2022Read on Mirror.xyz

A Sneak Peak into DAOhaus v3

In 2019, DAOhaus was born out of a community building coordination tools for themselves. Originally called Pokemol, it was a simple user interface to manage membership, voting and proposals for Moloch DAOs. As more communities were drawn to Moloch DAOs and required a no-code way to summon new DAOs, we built the original DAOhaus app.

As our community grew, and so did the need for more robust tooling and features for the many emerging DAOs. In fall 2020, we began work on DAOhaus v2, the version of DAOhaus you see and use today. With over 2,000 DAOs summoned across 5 networks and $416M of value flowing through them, DAOhaus v2 has become a robust platform, growing community, and vibrant economy.

Every day, more DAOs are summoned on DAOhaus. And every day, DAOs face new operational and coordination challenges. A human-friendly interface for the core DAO functions is no longer sufficient. DAOs require a selection of tools to address their specific needs.

DAOhaus v3 🎉

Today we are unveiling a preview of DAOhaus v3. DAOhaus v3 reimagines DAOhaus as a modular platform that increases flexibility for users, DAOs, and developers. Users will have more options for how they configure their DAOhaus experience; DAOs will have access to a wider expanse of tools to fit their particular purpose, size, and phase in their life cycle; and developers will have more opportunities to extend the DAOhaus platform (e.g., with Boosts). Currently, DAOhaus v3 is a work-in-progress and the features shared today are subject to change.

A preview of DAOhaus v3

DAOhaus v3 will also have a number of brand new features for DAOs, many of which are made possible by the upcoming v3 of the Moloch DAO framework (codenamed Baal). Some highlights include, configurable share transferability, adjustment of DAO parameters after summoning, extensions (aka “Shamans”), and more.

Our hope for DAOhaus V3 is to inspire a new generation of purpose-driven community DAOs to flourish.

Summoning a DAO 🚀

Summoning is a DAO’s very first experience. Our priority has always been ensuring that summoning is frictionless and easy. The main design challenge lies in creating a process that is both simple enough for beginners to easily summon a functioning DAO  and powerful enough to fit DAOs’ wide variety of needs.

Where before we relied on templates to give DAO summoners several standard starting options, in DAOhaus v3 we’re simplifying this even further. All DAO summoners will start with a single page with the same 5 DAO configuration sections. Beginners can stick to the default settings to get moving quickly, and they can do this with confidence because Moloch v3 enables DAOs to adjust all of those settings after summoning.

Our brand new DAO summoning flow

Advanced summoners can change the defaults to take advantage of the wide range of new customizable possibilities in Moloch v3. The most prominent of these new features are Shamans, which are extensions to the core DAO logic enabling programmatic rules for how members’ shares are created and destroyed.

To start, summoners can issue shares to members using today’s standard non-transferable shares, or issue an ERC-20 token. Depending on the DAO’s model, they can also choose to make their tokens non-transferrable.

Issue an ERC-token and configure transferability

Next, summoners can set up the treasury, proposals and membership configurations of the DAO as usual. We’ve introduced UX improvements here in setting proposal timings and pre-filling addresses, so that we minimize the need for calculators and long strings of decimals.

Configure your DAO parameters in a few clicks

Lastly, advanced summoners can choose to summon a Shaman for their DAO, which are super-Minions that can issue Shares / Loots programmatically without going through the proposal process. The Shaman functionality is possible only because of the Baal upgrades. With Shamans, summoners can now enable new ways of onboarding members and issuing shares based on the DAO’s needs.

Summon your Shaman & supercharge your DAO

The new summoning flow provides beginner summoners the ability get started quickly, while empowering advanced summoners to customize their DAOs as they wish.

Summoning a DAO is just the beginning of a DAO member’s journey. To explore the full power of DAOhaus v3, let’s explore the rest of the DAOhaus app

Navigating DAOhaus 🧭

We’ve been thrilled to discover that many people using DAOhaus are members of multiple DAOs. We see a number of people contributing to dozens of DAOs, and we expect this number to grow as more DAOs use subDAOs to help organize their operations. Managing participation across all these DAOs involves quite a bit of information overload and governance fatigue. With that in mind, we’ve redesigned the DAOhaus navigation to help you navigate between all your DAOs and focus on the ones that matter most to you.

First, we have powered up the Search bar as the central switcher between all your DAOs. Here, you can search for DAOs and pin your favorite DAOs for easy access. Each DAO in the search bar will also reflect your membership status and whether there are active proposals for you to act on.

The brand-new switcher for all your DAOs

Dashboard 📊

In DAOhaus v3, what is currently called the  Hub is now called the ‘Dashboard’. The new Dashboard gives you a birds-eye view of all your DAOs, surfacing  insights and alerting you to relevant actions all in one page.

An overview of all your DAOs

The v3 Dashboard is a cockpit that helps you navigate the multiverse of DAOs and people that you cross paths with. Here, you can catch up with all your active Proposals, DAO insights and trends, as well as interesting people you follow. Beyond just an informational overview, you can also delegate your votes, vote on proposals or zoom into a particular DAO in a click.

Here’s a quick rundown of the prominent Dashboard features:

  • Personalized header where you can customize your profile name, emoji and ENS through your Ceramic Profile.
  • The HAUS token has a greater role v3, starting with a display of your HAUS balance across networks.
  • Proposals from across all your DAOs, now with re-designed proposal cards that allow you to review  and  vote in one click.
  • Follow and view other people’s DAOhaus profiles, so you can connect with other DAO members, recruit contributors, and facilitate DAO2DAO partnerships.

New to Moloch v3 is the ability to delegate your voting power to any address, and in DAOhaus v3 you can do this directly from the Dashboard.

Keep track of all your DAO trends in the Dashboard

DAO Home 🏠

In DAOhaus v3, DAO home pages are clearer and more informative. They’re also more customizable: DAOs can add or remove blocks from their home page to highlight what’s important to them.

The new home for your DAO

Are you a service DAO with a specific onboarding flow? Add a block that links to your onboarding process. Want to create a memetic filter with your DAO’s Manifesto? Add a block featuring your Manifesto.

DAO home pages will start with default blocks, such as:

  • An About section with social links to introduce your DAO
  • Proposal & Members analytics section
  • Vault analytics section
  • Active Proposals section
  • Recent Activity section

DAO Proposals 🗳

Proposals are the core of every DAO’s coordination process. DAOhaus v3 displays all Active Proposals with our improved proposal card design, with more actionable information about each proposal available at a glance. And just like on the Dashboard, you can vote on (or abstain from) proposals without clicking through to the proposal detail view We expect these changes  to reduce the friction and information overload that many of us experience when managing our DAO governance responsibilities.

Review & vote on your proposals in 1 click

More detail is available by clicking through to a single Proposal view. This is where  long-form descriptions, links and proposal statuses live, as well as specialized content for special types of proposals like NFT previews NFT proposals or contract execution details for Minion Proposals.

View more information & context for each Proposal

In addition, the detailed Proposal view shows how each member has voted, with links to their DAOhaus profile for more context.

DAO Members 👥

The DAO Members page has also  been redesigned, with an overview section followed by individual Member cards. The membership overview tracks DAOshares and membership trends over time, and the member cards display each member’s shares, loot, and delegated voting power

Monitor members & trends over time

DAO Vaults 💰

In the past year, DAO treasuries have grown considerably, gradually evolving towards a multi-chain and multi-vault future. DAOhaus v3 rethinks DAO vault management UX to provide a clearer view of the DAO treasury. The biggest change from DAOhaus v2 is displaying information from each vault a DAO controls – across all networks – on a single page. We’ve also made NFTs a first-class citizen, including a dedicated NFT gallery.

The brand-new vault for a multi-chain, multi-safe future

The Vaults page is a great example of the modular nature of DAOhaus v3. There is dedicated space for links to a DAO’s existing vault-related Boosts – such as DAO Books and multiple minion vaults – as well as one-click options for creating new vaults.

Boosts 📱

DAOhaus Boosts are apps that you can install to run your DAOs more efficiently. They are the clearest reflection of the modular nature of DAOhaus v3, and we’ve completely redesigned how DAOs can discover and manage their Boosts.

Discover and install Boosts and Shamans

The new Boost Market is where DAOs can discover and install new Boosts, now with additional details, categorizations, and filters to help DAOs discover what they need. Advanced summoners can also add Custom Boosts here.

Similarly, the main Boosts page displays all of a DAO’s installed Boosts. Each Boost has its own  card, detailing its description, category and type. Filters and search are also here to help operators of DAOs with many Boosts find the settings they’re looking for.

Keen-eyed readers will notice  a new type of Boost, called Shamans. (also mentioned earlier in the Summoning section). Shamans are a new addition in the Moloch v3 framework. . They are extensions that can adjust Share and Loot distributions based on the contract logic programmed into the Shaman contract. Since they are so powerful, installing or removing a Shaman requires a DAO proposal.

To see a Shaman in action, check out the DAOhaus Yeeter - our very own decentralized fundraising and DAO bootstrapping product. The Yeeter uses a Shaman that automatically mints loot to users who send ETH to the Yeeter contract (based on a certain ETH:loot ratio), creating a frictionless way for capital contributors to join a Moloch DAO and hold non-voting shares for exit rights. We have just started discovering the possibilities that Shamans create, but believe that it will be widely-used to innovate in DAO onboarding and growth.

DAO Settings ⚙️

Finally, to manage the new configurations in DAOhaus v3, we have the revamped Settings page. In this page, you can edit everything from proposal parameters, DAO metadata, Guild tokens, and installed Boosts, to whitelisted tokens and DAO appearance.

The new

A massive upgrade in DAOhaus v3 – thanks to Moloch v3 – is the ability to upgrade and edit your DAO parameters after it is summoned. No more migrating to a new DAO contract when your DAO wants to adjust its parameters. With DAOhaus v3, you can edit all your DAO settings within the Settings page.

Also in settings, DAOs will be able to specify New Member instructions for better DAO onboarding.

Look out for more updates on DAOhaus v3 💡

This concludes the sneak preview of DAOhaus v3 that we will be building in the coming months.  Together with the Moloch v3 upgrades, we expect that DAOhaus v3’s simplicity, modularity and customizability will empower the next wave of DAO summoners, members and DAO2DAO interactions in the DAOhaus ecosystem.

The Warcamp DAO (DAOhaus core team) builds in public and shares our design and development updates every alternate Friday 5PM MST during our CampFire sessions in Discord. We’d love for you to join us in these sessions, give feedback and help us bring DAOhaus v3 to fruition.

Lastly, if this excites you and you’d like to contribute capital, time or effort to building the future of DAOhaus, please say gm in our Discord! 👋

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