Posted on Apr 21, 2023Read on

Hitachi Ventures, a subsidiary of Hitachi, established a new fund with an initial scale of US$300 million, intending to invest in the fields of Web3 and generative AI

Hitachi (Hitachi.Ltd) announced that its global venture capital institution Hitachi Ventures (HV) has established the third fund to accelerate innovation in the digital field. The initial size of the fund is US$300 million, which is the size of the first and second funds previously established It intends to focus on making strategic investments in startups in the field of Web3 and generative AI. Hitachi Ventures launched its first fund in June 2019 and its second fund in October 2021. The newly launched third fund will also focus on companies with artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, Startups of cutting-edge technologies and service models such as 5G.