Jordi Kidsune

Posted on Dec 22, 2022Read on

1.2.6 Find purpose and meaning

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”

- Pablo Picasso

It’s a question as old as time: “What is my purpose in life?” As far back as the fourth century BC, Aristotle was pondering life’s purpose and developing his theory of teleology, or the idea that everything in life has purpose. In today’s fast-paced, technology-filled world where we are being pulled in many directions at once, finding the purpose of life seems more important than ever.

Finding meaning in life can be a complex and personal process that may involve exploring your values, interests, and goals, and finding ways to express and fulfill them. Some people find meaning in relationships, work, personal growth, or spirituality, while others may find it in creativity, hobbies, or helping others. The core text delves into the importance of understanding your gifts and how they can drive you to give back to the world. Learn how to reconnect with yourself and determine what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Additionally, discover tips on how to find purpose in life and the power of reframing to change the direction of your life.

You will discover:

  1. The connection between meaning, emotion, and life

  2. The power of reframing to improve your psychology

  3. How to find purpose in life through setting goals, connecting with others, and making a positive impact on the world."

1. What is meaning and purpose?

It's no secret that we all want to find purpose and meaning in our lives. But for many of us, it can feel like an elusive quest. We're told to "follow our passions" or "do what makes us happy," but what does that even mean? And how do we even begin to figure it out?

One of the keys is to reconnect with yourself. To take a step back and ask yourself some important questions: What makes you feel most alive? What do you enjoy doing when no one else is around? These are the clues to your true purpose. That’s your gift. Your essence. The key to how reconnecting with yourself.

But discovering your purpose isn't always easy. We often get stuck in patterns that hold us back, and we may have limiting beliefs about what we can achieve. We may even be following a blueprint for happiness that we didn't even design ourselves. Allowing society or our families to place expectations on us. We go after money, power, and status without connecting them back to something larger – and that is how we fail.

Ultimately, it's a personal and complex process. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. But the key takeaway is this: finding meaning and purpose in life is possible. It just takes some self-reflection, hard work, and a willingness to explore new paths. You don’t have to settle for less than you can be, share, give or create. Reconnecting with yourself gives you a chance to celebrate your gifts and understand what really drives you. When you know this, the more you can show up for others and the more you can add to the world around you. It’s time to determine what really drives you. What makes you feel the most alive? Your purpose in life.

Why you’re seeking the purpose of life

Many people spend their lives reacting to situations instead of being proactive and figuring out the needs and values that drive them. Even when they think they know their purpose, they often mistake it with a short-term goal. Many others who are asking themselves this question truly want to find meaning – but they have no idea how to find purpose in life.

“If you’re not growing, you’re dying”
– Tony Robbins

This is why growth is addictive to many of us. We naturally only feel fulfilled when we’re improving ourselves or our lives in some way. Everything in life is calling to us to grow. When we stop growing, we start feeling pain, fear and anxiety. We are then susceptible to envy as we look around and see what everyone else has that we don’t. Instead of asking “What is my purpose in life?,” we start coveting status, material goods and power. But all those things will ultimately leave you feeling empty.

Goals, like buying a house or opening a business, yield a sense of achievement and are essential to living the life you desire. Purpose takes those goals to an even higher level. Tony tells everyone in the room: “I will tell you right now, there’s one word that will give you happiness, one. You’ll remember it as long as you live: progress. Progress equals happiness. Achieving goals does not equal happiness.” So if you’re asking yourself, “What is my purpose?,” what you’re really asking for is progress – a true sense of fulfillment. And fulfillment isn’t a luxury or leisure activity – it’s a necessity.

Flashcard question: Why is growth addictive to many of us? Answer: Growth is addictive to many of us because we naturally only feel fulfilled when we're improving ourselves or our lives in some way. Everything in life is calling to us to grow. When we stop growing, we start feeling pain, fear and anxiety.

The two things that keep you from finding your purpose

You might think there are many things that prevent people from finding their true purpose. They’re comfortable where they are and don’t want to rock the boat. They have it all – money, family, house – and are fooling themselves into thinking they’re fulfilled. Or maybe they just don’t have time. The truth is that there are only two things that prevent you from answering the question, “What is my purpose?”

  1. Certainty. The need for stability and predictability is one of our deepest human needs. Routines help us conserve mental energy, and staying in our comfort zones can keep us from feeling anxious and getting hurt – emotionally and physically. But it also prevents growth. It keeps us in unfulfilling jobs and unhealthy relationships. It prevents us from finding purpose.

  2. Limiting beliefs. The stories we tell ourselves about who we are can either hold us back or propel us toward fulfillment. Limiting beliefs – that we’re not good enough, that we don’t deserve to be happy – lead to limiting behaviors like fear of failure and self-sabotage. Believing that we have no limitations in life gives us the confidence to find our purpose. As Tony says, “We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.” Believe that and purpose will follow.” Benefits of knowing your purpose

Benefits of finding purpose in life

Research shows that finding your purpose is linked to living longer. Researchers surveyed nearly 7,000 older adults on the relationship between mortality and finding your purpose. Participants who did not have a strong sense of meaning in their lives were more than twice as likely to die prematurely as those who had figured out their purpose in life. Having a sense of purpose also reduced the incidence of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke.

These results were universal, even when controlled for income, race, gender and education level. Researchers concluded that finding your purpose helps you live longer. It’s also essential for happiness and fulfillment.

Achieving goals may not help you find the purpose of life, but knowing your purpose can help you achieve your goals.

When you truly know your purpose, you’ll experience a sense of clarity like never before as you’re able to connect what you want to achieve to your ultimate fulfillment. You’ll feel passionate, driven and laser-focused. You’ll stop battling with the past and the future and start living in the present – and that’s the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Why Meaning is Everything

Are the events in your life happening to you, or happening for you? You hold the power to shape your reality and tap into your unlimited potential by choosing empowering meanings for everything in your life. The primal power of Meaning is what truly controls our lives. The meaning you give to events, interactions, and outcomes determines your emotional state and ultimately the quality of your life. Reframing, discovering the positive in negative situations, is a powerful tool to improve your psychology and change the direction of your life. Start now by becoming conscious of the meanings you're constantly creating.

Read more in original Tony Robbins source 1 + source 2

Flashcard question: what are the two things that prevent people from finding their true purpose? Answer: The two things that prevent people from finding their true purpose are certainty and lack of self-awareness. The need for stability and predictability can hold us back from growing and exploring new paths, and lack of self-awareness can lead to basing our purpose on others' expectations rather than our true needs.

Flashcard question: What is the difference between a goal and a purpose? Answer: A goal is a specific, measurable outcome that you want to achieve, whereas a purpose is a deeper sense of fulfillment and meaning that guides your goals and overall direction in life.

2. Tips on how to find purpose in life

There are many benefits of knowing your purpose – but how can you figure it out? It is a combination of the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment that creates the road to happiness and a life of meaning. To succeed in finding your purpose, you must master this balance.

"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it." - Buddha

0. Take action

1. Search inward

The questions “What is my purpose in life?” and “How can I be happy?” are actually the same – and they have the same answer. You can never truly understand how to find your purpose by listening to others’ opinions and seeking outside approval.

Everything you need is within yourself. The only thing holding you back is your own limiting beliefs. With each limiting belief you identify and replace with an empowering belief, you develop greater self-awareness. And when you’re in control of your emotions, you’re in control of your life.

Reflect on what is important to you.

Take some time to think about what values and principles are most important to you. What brings you joy and fulfillment? What do you care about most deeply? Reflect on your values and goals: One way to find meaning in life is to think about what is most important to you and what you want to achieve. You can use online tools like the "Values in Action" survey ( to help you clarify your values and set goals that align with them.

2. Put purpose before goals

If you focus only on achieving short-term goals, you will never find your true passion or learn how to find your purpose. The goals you work toward must always be based on finding your purpose. If they’re not, you’ll only feel a fleeting sense of accomplishment and will soon be seeking something more. You won’t be able to see that life is happening for you instead of to you.

When you set a goal, ask yourself: How will this help me feel more fulfilled? How does this relate back to my purpose? Use a journal or a system like Tony’s Rapid Planning Method to ensure you always keep your purpose top of mind.

Set goals and work towards them: Setting goals for yourself can help you focus on what you want to achieve in life and give you a sense of purpose. Choose goals that align with your values and work towards them consistently.

3. Take time for yourself

“What is my purpose?” is a deep question that takes time and reflection to answer. When you spend all your time running from one commitment to another, you never have time to just sit quietly and reconnect with yourself. Make sure you schedule enough personal time to reduce the noise and demands of the outer world and focus on what you want.

When you feel depleted searching for meaning in life, take a deep breath and center yourself. Take time for self-care, whether that’s a spa day or reading a book in the park. It’s by looking within that you’re able to identify your values – the beliefs you hold most dear as a guiding force in life. You won’t understand how to find your purpose without first taking a step back and relaxing.

Take care of yourself

Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is important for finding meaning and fulfillment in life. Engage in activities that nourish your body and mind, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that bring you joy.

4. Focus on what you have

Developing an abundance mindset is like opening your eyes to life: You will see beauty and goodness all around you. With this new perspective, your purpose in life becomes much clearer. You question less and less how to find your purpose because you feel like you have more of the answers and that you are on the path to achieving meaningful goals.

When we focus on what we have, fear disappears and abundance appears. You’ll stop living in fear that you’re wasting your life and begin to attract positivity and joy. Finding your purpose becomes an exciting journey, rather than a stressful goal.

5. Think about what brings you joy

Look back on your life and identify the times when you felt the most joy. Was it when you were connecting with your partner? Making a successful presentation at work? Creating art or helping others? When you discover what brings you joy, you usually discover where your passions lie.

Your abilities are connected to that sense of joy, so examine them, too: Can you pick up a pencil and sketch a lifelike portrait? Do your friends tell you that you’re a great listener? When you look closely at the activities or skills that come naturally and also bring you joy, you’ll likely stumble upon passions that you can turn into a profitable career.

Flashcard question: What is the key to reconnecting with yourself and finding your purpose in life?
Answer: Taking a step back and asking yourself important questions about what makes you feel most alive and what you enjoy doing when no one else is around. These are the clues to your true purpose, which is your gift and essence.

6. Develop your own life vision statement

Before you can ask yourself “What is my purpose?” you first have to know what an ideal world looks like and how you fit into it. Creating a life vision statement involves identifying what life would look like if everyone were living up to their fullest potential. This will help you develop a roadmap to guide you in the proper direction.

7. Discover your true needs

When asking themselves “What is my purpose in life?”, some people don’t even know where to start. If you fall into this category, it helps to examine the Six Human Needs. Your top need – certainty, significance, variety, love/connection, growth or contribution – affects every decision you make.

Lack of awareness about your own needs can leave you with a false sense of purpose – one that is actually based on others’ expectations. This is why you can reach the top of the career ladder, find the “perfect” partner or be in the best shape of your life, but still not feel happy. Fulfillment begins with your innermost needs.

8. Write out your story

Writing helps us organize our thoughts – and discover new ones we may not even know we had. It’s proven to help us reach goals, improve memory and decrease stress, which are all essential when you’re learning how to find your purpose.

Putting your life in writing can reveal hidden meanings you may not see otherwise. Start with this exercise: What strengths do you have that helped you get through tough times? How have you helped others? And how have other people helped you? Write it all down and you’ll begin to see patterns that will help you find your purpose.

9. Take ownership of your life

True fulfillment comes from designing your own life. This is how you unlock the extraordinary. To find your purpose, you must decide what’s truly right, and know it in your heart and soul. You must not let yourself be driven by fear or anxiety. A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision. It will not help you understand “What is my purpose?” but instead confuse the issue even more.

To truly take ownership, you must stop playing the victim. Realize that every circumstance in your life is a result of your own decisions, not anyone else’s. When you take responsibility for finding your purpose instead of blaming others, fulfillment follows.

10. Embrace acceptance

Part of finding your purpose is accepting your own limitations. Instead of getting frustrated with yourself, give yourself a break. Get to know yourself bit by bit, taking the role of observer. As you practice self-compassion while building self-awareness, you’re able to find the meaning you’re seeking.

Self-compassion means being patient with yourself. Feeling lost in life can be a very disorienting feeling. You may feel frustrated, but be gentle with yourself. Everyone who has ever asked themselves “What is my purpose?” began from a place of uncertainty. Their hesitancy was what prompted them to dig deep and find greater meaning.

11. Find your community

Finding your purpose in life is often about discovering where you fit in. When we meet our “people,” we feel like we are home: relaxed and at ease, able to truly be ourselves. Your community can often help you discover how to find your purpose, or to live your purpose once you’ve found it.

To find your community, follow your passions. Join a volunteer group. Take a class to develop a skill you enjoy. Seek out support online. Find others who enjoy the same music, books or plays. The saying “You are who your friends are” is true – and when you find the right community, it’s a good thing.

Connect with others: Building strong relationships with friends, family, and loved ones can bring meaning and purpose to your life. Consider volunteering or getting involved in your community to help others and form connections with like-minded people.

12. Be flexible

One of the hardest parts of learning how to find your purpose is letting go of old identities and interests that no longer serve us. Yet it’s something that must be done. Your purpose in life is also likely to grow and change as you grow and change. You must be willing to be flexible and to listen to your innermost wants and needs.

Finding your purpose is a lifelong journey. Being flexible lets you grow in integrity while being true to yourself. When you develop your core values and stop seeking external affirmation, you’ll find that the question of “What is my purpose in life?” is much easier to answer.

13. Find ways to contribute to the world

Many people find meaning in life by finding ways to make a positive impact on the world. This could involve charitable work, activism, or simply being a good person and helping others in your daily life.

3. What is the key to feeling fulfilled in life?

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Why a sense of fulfillment and achievement are essential to a happy life. The three forces of creation that result in ultimate achievement The impact that feeling fulfilled has on your life. Real fulfillment doesn’t come from material possessions, wealth or success alone. Life is not an either/or where we are either successful or fulfilled. Success and fulfillment are complementary pursuits.

Mastering the science of achievement:

  • Force 1: Focus

  • Force 2: Massive action

  • Force 3: Grace Focus on your goal, take massive action and have grace to overcome obstacles and find fulfillment in life.

Finding fulfillment in life is difficult if you haven’t achieved anything – so the first lesson for living an extraordinary life is mastering the science of achievement. Think of this as a formula for success. Mastering achievement means that you can take your dreams and make them real. To be successful, you must go beyond having an action plan and understand the three forces of creation.

Become a master of achievement. Learning how to feel fulfilled is within your reach. Master the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment and you have the tools for a sustainable life of happiness that enriches not only yourself, but those around you.

Force 1: Focus

In order to make something happen, you must channel the power of absolute clarity and commitment. To awaken your sense of fulfillment, remember that where your focus goes, energy flows. You must have a desire and hunger to get started – without that, you won’t have the ability to see the process through to the end.

We often start out completely focused on our goal: We’re going to get that promotion, live a healthier lifestyle or find a loving and supportive relationship. Your goal is fun and you’re making good progress. But the road to feeling fulfilled isn’t always smooth. You hit a setback or your growth plateaus, and this is where the real challenge begins. Those who have mastered the science of achievement overcome obstacles with a growth mindset and inner strength that helps them stay focused on their goals.

Force 2: Massive action

Here’s where you start moving toward what you want. If your current approach to feeling fulfilled isn’t working, change it. Think about a child learning to walk. If they gave up as soon as they fell down, no one would ever learn to walk at all. Instead, kids keep going until the figure out walking, then running. No one ever says to them, “Listen, walking is just too hard. Just give it up, kid.”

The other key to taking massive action is to find a model for effective execution. Take someone who’s achieved what you want – whether your goal is to earn a billion dollars or lose weight – and find out how they did it. Role models and mentors help us learn faster and more effectively; follow successful models and we get results weeks, months or even decades more quickly than by figuring things out on our own.

Force 3: But start small

You can take massive action, with small steps. To grasp how to feel fulfilled in life, it’s okay to take baby steps. You probably won’t be able to build an unshakeable sense of fulfillment overnight, but with consistent effort, feeling fulfilled can become your new norm. Even when you’re starting small, remember to set goals and stick to them.

Change your morning routine to include a short priming exercise. Write in a gratitude journal each night. Find an exercise you enjoy that gets you outside into the fresh air. Take up a relaxing pastime like gardening. Every small action you take adds up to greater fulfillment.

Force 4: Grace

We think of this concept in different ways; some call it God, others luck or good fortune. Yes, we can take all sorts of actions in order to make something happen, but what about the other elements on the path to success – the things we can’t control but help us along anyway? That’s grace. The more flexible you are, the more you acknowledge grace in your life, and the more it shows up. Grace will also help you better understand how you can give back, which is another key to understanding how to feel fulfilled.

Trade expectation for appreciation. Instead of expecting something – falling into the trap of familiarity – appreciate that it’s there. Your mind alone won’t make you happy. We’re programmed to search for and find faults and failures, not focus on how to feel fulfilled. But choose to take delight in the ordinary, like a smile or the sun on your face, and you become the richest person you know, no matter how much you have in the bank. Even better, you’ll give more to those around you, creating a positive feedback loop of energy. Now when you achieve something, no matter what it is, you’ll be able to truly celebrate your success instead of feeling empty.

Force 5: Cultivate positive emotions

No one is happy all the time – but you can feel fulfilled all the time. Cultivate positive emotions like joy and gratitude by choosing to focus on the good. Stop overanalyzing. Appreciate the abundance in your life. Positive thinking will transform your entire perspective on life.

Changing your physiology can even affect your emotions. Smile, even when you don’t want to – you’ll trick your brain into believing you’re joyful. Throw your shoulders back and adopt a power pose – you’ll instantly feel more confident.

Force 6: Let go of the past

It isn’t easy to let go of the past, but it is essential for finding fulfillment. Recognize that while your past made you who you are, you don’t have to live there.

Forgiveness is a healing force in our lives and a powerful element in finding fulfillment in life. Holding on to blame and guilt – toward others and yourself – only causes pain and suffering. Release those emotions and you will be free from negativity.

Force 7: Choose your relationships carefully

Understanding how to feel fulfilled centers on the fact that humans are social creatures. When you surround yourself with people who bring you down, your focus will be drawn to the negative. When you surround yourself with positive people, you feel uplifted and inspired.

This is the power of proximity: You become who you associate with. If you want extraordinary relationships, not mediocre or destructive ones, learn to use it to your advantage.

Force 8: Stick to your values

Our beliefs create our world. What are your values and beliefs? Are you living in a way that is true to them? Have you achieved your goals in life in an ethical and honest manner?

In the search for contentment, it’s tempting to compromise your values to get a fleeting sense of fulfillment. But if you’re acting against your values, the feeling of fulfillment is false and won’t last. When you’re true to yourself, you can trust that when you find what you’re seeking, it’s the real thing.

Force 9. Find balance in life

Perfection is the enemy of happiness. You know you can never achieve perfection. If you continue to seek it out, that prevents you from finding fulfillment. Life isn’t about being perfect. It’s about living.

Rather than drift to extremes – perfection on one end and sloppiness on the other – learning how to feel fulfilled means living in the middle. Align your life with your values, give it your best effort and be content with the results.

Force 10. Accept what you can’t change

Like perfectionism, the need to control everything in life only leads to frustration. There are many things you’ll never be able to control: the weather, traffic, outside events and especially the choices other people make.

Part of building relationships and feeling fulfilled means focusing on your own actions. You can improve almost any situation through your own choices, but you can’t control someone else’s actions.

Force 11. Take a time out

We all have blueprints for our happiness. We work and work to earn the big salary, buy the fancy car and get the house with the two-car garage. But when we finally reach our material goals, we still feel like something is missing.

Don’t get caught up in the rat race, only to look around once you reach the top and finally wonder how to feel fulfilled. Fulfillment starts today. Take a break to do something you enjoy. Spend time on self-care and family activities. Go on vacation.

Force 12. Be fully present

As you’re vacationing or spending time with family, ask yourself if you are being present. Are you practicing deep listening with your loved ones? Are you taking the time to notice the beauty all around you?

“Every moment you live in the past is a moment you waste in the present.”

- Tony Robbins

The past is done, and the future is never guaranteed. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment. Put down your phone and connect with the people you love. These are the moments you’ll remember when you look back on your life.

Force 13. Give back

Contribution is one of the Six Human Needs and can have a massive impact on your ability to feel fulfilled. There is no better way to feel gratitude for everything you have than to spend time with those who are struggling. Whether you volunteer, give to those less fortunate or mentor a young person, when you lift up others, you lift yourself up as well.


This chapter explored discovering your true purpose in life and reconnecting with yourself. It encourages self-reflection, hard work and a willingness to explore new paths to find meaning and fulfillment. The key takeaway is that finding purpose is possible, it just takes time and effort. And once you have a clear understanding of your purpose, you can move on to the next chapter of your journey, which is to strengthen your core and connect with who you truly are and what you truly want. With a strong sense of self and a clear understanding of your goals, you will be able to live a life filled with purpose and meaning.


  1. What is the first step in discovering your purpose?

    A) Mastering the science of achievement

    B) Reconnecting with yourself

    C) Setting goals

    D) Finding a role model

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) Reconnecting with yourself. The first step in discovering your purpose is to take a step back and ask yourself some important questions to identify what makes you feel most alive and what you enjoy doing when no one else is around.

  2. What is the key takeaway in finding meaning and purpose in life?

    A) It's a one-size-fits-all approach

    B) It's only possible for certain people

    C) It's possible but takes self-reflection, hard work and willingness to explore new paths

    D) It's impossible to find

    Explanation: The correct answer is C) It's possible but takes self-reflection, hard work and willingness to explore new paths. Finding meaning and purpose in life is not easy and requires self-reflection, hard work and willingness to explore new paths.

  3. What are the two things that prevent you from finding your purpose?

    A) Lack of time and not knowing where to start

    B) Certainty and lack of awareness about your own needs

    C) Fear and anxiety

    D) Being comfortable and not wanting to rock the boat

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) Certainty and lack of awareness about your own needs. Certainty, the need for stability and predictability, and lack of awareness about your own needs can prevent you from finding your true purpose.

  4. What is the main benefit of writing out your story?

    A) It helps you organize your thoughts

    B) It helps you reach your goals

    C) It improves your memory

    D) All of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is D) All of the above. Writing out your story helps you organize your thoughts, reach your goals and improve your memory which are all essential in learning how to find your purpose.

  5. What is the final step in finding your purpose?

    A) Embrace acceptance

    B) Find your community

    C) Take ownership of your life

    D) All of the above

    Explanation: The correct answer is D) All of the above. Finding your purpose involves embracing acceptance, finding your community, and taking ownership of your life. All of these steps are important in discovering your purpose and fulfilling your life.

  6. What are the two things that keep you from finding your purpose?

    A) Lack of time and resources

    B) Fear and anxiety

    C) Certainty and predictability

    D) Laziness and lack of motivation

    Explanation: The correct answer is C) Certainty and predictability. The need for stability and predictability can prevent us from taking risks and growing, while fear and anxiety can hold us back from making important decisions.

  7. How can you develop your own life vision statement?

    A) By creating a list of short-term goals

    B) By identifying what life would look like if everyone were living up to their fullest potential

    C) By following the blueprint for happiness that society has set for you

    D) By copying someone else's vision statement

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) By identifying what life would look like if everyone were living up to their fullest potential. This can help you understand how you fit into the larger picture and guide you in the right direction.

  8. What is the first step in understanding your true needs?

    A) Buying a house or opening a business

    B) Focusing on the six human needs

    C) Gaining more money or power

    D) Traveling the world

    Explanation: The correct answer is B) Focusing on the six human needs. Understanding your own needs can help you identify what truly drives you, instead of being led by others' expectations.

  9. How can writing help you find your purpose?

    A) By helping you organize your thoughts

    B) By making you more stressed

    C) By making you more forgetful

    D) By making you more frustrated

    Explanation: The correct answer is A) By helping you organize your thoughts. Writing can reveal hidden meanings and patterns that can help you understand your strengths, how you've helped others, and how others have helped you.

How to apply this in your life today?

Exercise: Reflect on your life

Instructions: Take some time to reflect on your life and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the things that make you feel most alive?

  2. What are the things that you enjoy doing when no one else is around?

  3. What are your natural abilities and skills that also bring you joy?

  4. What is your ideal vision for your life and how do you fit into it?

  5. What are your top needs according to the Six Human Needs?

Why this is important: Reflecting on your life and answering these questions can help you reconnect with yourself and discover your true purpose. It can also help you identify your passions and natural abilities that can be turned into a profitable career. Additionally, understanding your top needs and creating a vision for your life can guide you in the proper direction towards fulfillment.

Food for Thought

  1. How do you think our society's emphasis on success and material possessions affects our ability to find fulfillment and purpose in life?

  2. Is it possible to find both success and fulfillment, or do they have to be mutually exclusive? Why or why not?

  3. How do you think someone can determine what their true needs are, and how do they go about fulfilling them?

  4. In what ways do you think our personal and cultural values intersect and shape our understanding of purpose and fulfillment?

  5. Do you believe that it is possible to change our understanding of fulfillment and find new purpose in life, or is it something that is set in stone? Why or why not?

Expand Your Understanding

  1. "The Power of Purpose: Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better" by Richard Leider and David Shapiro - This book provides practical tools and exercises to help readers discover their purpose and live a more fulfilling life.

  2. "The Six Human Needs: The Secret to Personal and Professional Fulfillment" by Tony Robbins - This book delves deeper into the Six Human Needs model and how understanding our needs can lead to greater fulfillment in all areas of life.

  3. "The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander - This book offers a fresh perspective on how to find purpose and meaning in life by embracing new possibilities and taking creative risks.

  4. "Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life" by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans - This book provides a step-by-step guide to designing a life that aligns with your passions and values, with a focus on experimentation and iteration.

  5. "The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work" by Joseph Campbell - This classic work delves into the universal themes of the hero's journey and how understanding this archetype can help us find purpose and meaning in our own lives.