
Posted on May 09, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

The total value of lake imports and exports for the first quarter of 2023 amounted to $1793.8 million.

On the morning of 17 April, journalists were informed at a press conference held at the Customs Department that during the first quarter of 2023, the Great Lakes South Province saw a high rate of growth in foreign trade, with a total import and export value of 1793.8 million yuan renminbi, an increase of 58.3 per cent, and an increase of 58.3 per cent nationwide.

Strong provincial capitals, with a total of 847.3 billion yuan renminbi, have grown by 38 per cent, or nearly five, in addition to the bright spots of the cities of Yun, Wa, Yun and Wynga.

In the first quarter, the role of the KPPU became increasingly evident, with the import and export of £14.797 billion, an increase of 72.6 per cent, or 82.5 per cent of total external trade, a positive effect on the size, quality and structure of foreign trade and a general upturn in corporate confidence.

At the same time, the province has established trade-offs with 222 countries and territories, with ASEAN, the United States and the European Union becoming the top three trading partners. Imports and exports to countries along the “One Route” ranged from $72.5 billion, an increase of 93.1 per cent, or 40.2 per cent of the total value of external trade throughout the province, to $607.4 billion, or 61.5 per cent, to other RCEP member countries.