
Posted on Nov 02, 2023Read on Mirror.xyz

Lumoz Monthly DEV & Operation Report -- Oct. 2023

Dear Lumoz community,

Hope this message finds everyone well. During the month of October, we witnessed a series of exciting milestones and significant events.

Opside has rebranded itself as Lumoz. The official Twitter account has surpassed 100,000 followers. Lumoz's decentralized Prover network has achieved a groundbreaking milestone. Furthermore, we have established a partnership with CelestiaOrg, zkMe, and Blockscout. During Devconnect next month, we will host the RaaS DAY conference in Istanbul. Currently, we are running a Halloween-themed MEME campaign on Twitter.

Technically, Lumoz now supports Scroll-type Rollup registration, enabling the registration of public Scrolls on the alpha version. Additionally, it has introduced support for custom gas tokens in zkSync-type Rollups and resolved the high calibration logic for submitting proofs and block reorganizations caused by L1 forks in zkSync.

Here is a summary of our monthly report:


On October 10th, Opside officially rebranded as Lumoz, injecting more vitality into the ZK-Rollup landscape. Our website has been updated and can now be accessed at http://Lumoz.network. This important transformation signifies our commitment to future development, as we continue to drive innovation and application of ZK-Rollup technology.


  • After over a year of operation, Lumoz's official Twitter account has surpassed 100,000 followers.

  • Lumoz's decentralized Prover network achieved a groundbreaking milestone by generating over 3 million ZKPs (Zero-Knowledge Proofs), which is ten times the total on the Ethereum mainnet. This achievement showcases our leadership in the field of ZK-Rollup technology. We will continue to strengthen research and development to provide users with more secure and efficient solutions.


  • We collaborated with CelestiaOrg, the first modular blockchain network that securely scales with the number of users. This partnership will bring more partners and ecosystem support to Lumoz, providing users with broader application scenarios and interactions.

  • We are thrilled to announce that Lumoz and zkMe are partnering to launch on our premier RaaS ecosystem! This collaboration will enable projects to launch their Rollup through Lumoz, while allowing users to enjoy the convenience of ZKP-powered and compliant zkKYC services through their identity oracle.

  • We are excited about our partnership with Blockscout, an open-source tool designed for investigating EVM blockchain transactions. Lumoz ensures a seamless launch of a new chain by providing a bridge and an explorer. Our collaboration with Blockscout aims to enhance the zk-rollup experience for our users.


  • Through our Meme campaign, we celebrated Halloween and Lumoz's rebranding. The community members actively participated in this event, and we received many fun and creative memes, demonstrating the vibrancy and creativity of our community. We appreciate the support and contributions of all participants!

  • The Lumoz Alpha Testnet Gala event on Galxe is still incredibly popular, with current participation of 233,350 users. The event has been a resounding success, attracting a diverse and enthusiastic user base from around the globe. The vibrant community engagement and overwhelming response have exceeded our expectations, showcasing the growing interest and trust in Lumoz.

  • Most importantly, Lumoz is all set to host RaaS Day at the luxurious Grand Hyatt Hotel in Istanbul during Devconnect. This event will gather top project co-founders who will share valuable insights into ZK-Rollup technology and its applications. The preparations for the event are underway, and we will ensure an insightful and interactive experience for all participants. Apply here

Technical aspects

Lumoz now supports Scroll type rollup registration to expand Lumoz's rollup ecosystem. Additionally, it has introduced support for custom gas tokens in zkSync type rollups and resolved issues related to proof height calibration for submissions and block reorganizations caused by L1 forks in zkSync.

In the coming days, we will continue to strive for the development and promotion of Lumoz. We will provide high-quality technical support and solutions, exploring more innovative applications in collaboration with our partners. We extend our gratitude to all our users and partners who have been with us on this journey! Let us together embrace the future and build a more prosperous ZK-Rollup ecosystem.

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