
Posted on Dec 25, 2023Read on

Solana Airdrop Farming + Spreadsheet Changes

Solana Airdrop Farming

I recently started heavily looking into SOL airdrop farming right when I became bullish on SOL and actually ended up hitting the Jito Airdrop. Since then the whole airdrop Ecosystem on Solana has become way more diluted; this is very evident when looking at the marginfi TVL chart as seen below.

Since the Jito airdrop checker was put up the TVL of marginfi has gone from 150m to 420m+

I have curated a list of protocols that I am going to be farming and put out details on all of them in my discord. It should be very familiar to those of you who are farming zkSync but gas is WAY cheaper. A list of these protocols can be found on the spreadsheet so I am not going to go over all of them here.

I think that the main difference with Solana airdrop farming is that criteria is way less likely to be based off of transaction count as gas fees are not deterring any bots. This means that you should focus on consistency and keeping a good balance in between all protocols or rotating through all of them.

Personally, I am going to be slowly creating new wallets and transferring the majority of my SOL into one and then going into massive size into protocols with points before distributing smaller amounts into each one and then transferring a lot of SOL to another fresh wallet.

The goal is to have 5-7 SOL in the majority of places where you can park your funds such as Marginfi, Kamino Finance, Drift, Meteora and Parcl. You also want to try to at least mint a few NFTs, trade a little bit of shitcoins and deposit/withdraw SOL into Elusiv.

Spreadsheet Changes

Since my last mirror article was posted I have changed the spreadsheets quite a bit, here are the changes I made:

  • Added a tab just for stuff to do on ETH mainnet on each wallet. This includes two tokenless protocols (Gondi + Ambient Finance) and stuff like trading NFTs or coins and claiming an ENS. This is because I believe that a lot more airdrops in the coming year are going to value this stuff than in the past, seeing the Starknet leaked criteria is what made me realize this.

  • Added the Solana tab of the spreadsheet for farming Solana - pretty straight forward and similar to what the spreadsheet already was.

  • Testnets tabs are now hidden by default.

  • Functionality for getting some transaction counts have been fixed.

  • Added/Removed some protocols to zkSync.

How to use the Solana Tab of the spreadsheet

I input the SOL amount that I have in each protocol where I am just leaving my funds (such as LPs or lending protocols) and I input the amount of swaps made on DEXs and/or perps because I will be trading with somewhat consistent size. However, you are free to use the spreadsheet however you want such as keeping track of trading volume on each cell.

There is a section to specify which ETH wallet you are associating with SOL wallets for when you are farming wormhole powered bridges so you can be sure you are never mixing funds in between wallets.

A preview of the Solana tab of the spreadsheet

Here is the link to the spreadsheet:

zkSync Updates

It seems that most people believe that zkSync isn’t going to come until Q3 2024 and I think that it is possible - much later than I was originally hoping for. This is fine because I am still going to keep farming (just a bit slower) and slowly start farming other networks. Definitely starting to transact a lot less more tokenless protocols as we creep closer and closer to when we should see them start dropping.

Lastly, here is an invite to my discord for those of you not in yet (25 uses):