
發布於 2022-05-10到 Mirror 閱讀

A New Look and Feel

When Gallery was first born as a side project, we started with a key insight: there was a missing element of tasteful design and branding in the way NFTs were shared and displayed. While touted as cultural legos on the internet, the primary forms of consumption were on marketplaces more akin to a big box retailer or bargain bin.

Gallery took a stand — we created a clean, minimal way to share your NFTs. From the very start, early members were drawn to the negative space and focus on the art even despite minimal functionality. All that to say thoughtful design has been core to our DNA since day one.

While the existing brand took us far, we started to reach its limits as we set our sights on scaling our reach and surface area. How would our brand extend into music, communities, and lived experiences? Which is why we worked with our friends at Mouthwash Studio to create our new, elevated, and refined identity.

What does Gallery stand for?

In order to build a cohesive identity, we began with understanding our why.

A few things we fundamentally believe:

  1. All humans seek to express themselves and to be seen — no matter physical or digital.
  2. All humans desire connection and belonging with whom they share tastes, interests, and values.
  3. The NFTs we own are incredible tools to both express our identity online and find our people.

Therefore, Gallery is where you bring your collections to life for others to see and celebrate. And where your collection serves as a beacon to connect with others.

Gallery is the canvas on which you can paint who you are, the things you love, and the communities you belong to. We aim to weave that sentiment throughout everything we do. Our greatest strength is the ability to offer self-expression through ownership.

Our new identity.

We collaborated with the Mouthwash team to develop an integrated system to visually articulate this vision in everything we do.


To start, we set out to define our strategy and understand the characteristics that make us who we are.

We narrowed things down to four qualities:

Our brand should represent the way we believe creating and collecting NFTs feels like on Gallery — the words above got us as close as possible.


We’ve retained the simplicity of our logo but updated the typeface to infuse a more graphic and archival feel. The brackets both symbolically and functionally allow collections to be the hero while elements of the brand still remain present in the background.


We selected two typefaces to be used across our brand. For the Gallery word mark and primary headlines, we use GT Alpina from the Grilli Type foundry, which features serifs that convey a sense of timelessness and print-like quality that brings distinction to featured NFTs and collections. Diatype from Swiss Foundry Dinamo functions in secondary headlines and body copy to offer a viewing experience that is familiar and distinct.


Our approach to brand colors is stripped back and unassuming. Reinforcing our brand goal of positioning your NFTs first, our color palette is made up of primarily off-whites and off-blacks to best supplement the works displayed. We use a Web 1.0-inspired Hyper Blue to call out important information and highlight product details.

Within/Without #260 by Aaron Penne

See this in action in our app and socials today.

Celebrate with us.

To commemorate this milestone in our project’s history on the blockchain we’d love a little help from our community.

We’re creating a Community Poster and inviting our members to sign it like they would a guestbook or yearbook. After the signing period, we will make the final product available to mint as a commemorative token.

Our members will see an invitation in the banner at the top of the screen upon signing in to Gallery. The Poster will be available to sign via FigJam for approximately 1 week. Additional details and updates will be shared on our Twitter and Discord.

Gallery members: sign in to your account and leave us a note on our poster 🤍

Special thanks to the team at Mouthwash for all the love and care they put into Gallery’s new look: Ben Mingo, Alex Tan, Mackenzie Freemire, Abe Campillo, Shayna Fowler, Jason Annas, John Burgess, Alice Otieno, and others. A true joy and privilege to collaborate with. Check out the rest of their work at mouthwash.studio.