發布於 2022-01-31到 Mirror 閱讀

D.WORTHY x DMNSN Interview

Can you tell us about what you’ve been up to musically as of late?

I’ve spent the past two years reworking “Time Will Tell” because if I go out, I’d want to die knowing this was truly my best album. The best album I could make up with the time I was given on this earth. Something that feels true and complete. As an artist, it's our job to innovate and try new things.  Some artists are stuck in a feedback loop and don't take risks. They just make the same vibe or song over and over. All my albums have been different from each other. That's always been my mission. With this current album, I’m going deeper into who I really am. Sonically, lyrically and visually. “Time Will Tell” –  my best album yet. I want album of the year energy. I believe this album will be a breakout party for me.

Can you describe the role your music has played in your life and what you intend for it to do for your listeners?

Music is healing. Music saved my life. Music and the Internet saved all of our lives. We should all be thankful. Music is the lens through which I see the world. I express my truth through my music. I like to describe my songs as a love story. Love and vulnerability run synonymously. What makes my music so powerful is that you can hear the vulnerability in each track. At the end of the day, I'm just trying to be a real person – nothing more, nothing less. I want to be responsible for the vibes that inspire you to go out there and take over the world. I want to be the background music to your reality.

What excites you about Web3.0 and its potential impact on music as we know it?

Web3.0 reminds me of the first day I found Myspace, Tumblr, or Twitter. Goosebumps are the best way to describe the feeling. As artists, we’ve been long overdue for an outlet to express our creativity without conforming to the traditional system. I’ve always felt like music was fine art and deserved to be seen as such. NFT’s invoke that feeling. With the help of Web3.0, me and my community can not only just grow together, but we get the chance to support and reap the rewards together also. This is the time that artists take back control and fund their own dreams on their own terms. Truly, a blessing.

What was the thought process behind doing a drop with DMNSN?

I’m big on family and community. I’m always in favor of brands and companies that take their destiny into their own hands. DMNSN supports the artist and their true vision. They’ve worked with me, and believed in every part of the process in regards to creating this NFT. It’s a blessing to be connected with a team of people that understand the music infrastructure of the future and are willing to share that understanding with artists who’re actively creating the sounds of the future.

What do you perceive to be the next dimension of your career?

The next dimension of my career will be a movie worth watching over and over again. I’m here to impact modern music and change the way people look at hip-hop. I will be polarizing and uninhibited. I’m here to dissolve boundaries, expectations, and stereotypes. Allow me to be the roadmap for all the lost kids in the world, to guide them to find their own dimension.

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