
發布於 2021-11-25到 Mirror 閱讀


Welcome to The Flashy Experience

27DELLY drops his debut music video NFT, on auction at a reserve price of 1.27 ETH.

Flashy is strictly for those with the diamond mindset. The point where your life is pushing towards greatness and you embrace your power fully. It’s a reminder to never falter in your steps and to move with the utmost confidence each time. All said and done to remain humble through it all. That’s the Flashy Experience.

Place a bid for the video on Glass 👇

Over the Frankie P-produced track and Castles directed video, 27Delly described the experience of creating that timeless Flashy moment: “Everyone who was in there that day could tell you, you could cut the intensity with a knife during those scenes,” says Delly about the energy of the shoot. Production for the new “Flashy” video was spearheaded by Castle, who Delly refers to as the “extraordinaire,” as she also shot his previous release “Medusa.”

Delly is described as the one “leading the charge of the new underground scene emerging from New York City.” During a more recent conversation, he delved into why this is the right timing for a new project:

This is to fill in those who are on this journey with me now as to where I’m at in life. How I’m feeling, the confidence, the spiritual journey that I’m on. I have a few official songs out but I’ve been making music for years, so I’m learning a lot of people don’t know a lot about me, so I think it’s time to show people how I think. The music I make is transparent, and I think transparency and how real you’re keepin’ it is important because now then no one can question you, you just stay ten toes down.

- 27Delly

Delly is leading the charge of the music video NFT scene, for both web3 and the Harlem community. It’s safe to say 27Delly - one of the pioneering Glass creators - is truly 💎🙌.