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GOAT to Mainnet: #4 Earning Opportunities with Goat.Tech:

Are you an everyday Web3 user or an aspiring KOL looking for ways to enhance your on-chain reputation score and earn rewards? Goat.Tech is designed to provide numerous ways to earn rewards in the form of ETH and GOAT tokens while empowering user to validate trust, build and monetize reputation. This article aims to explore the earning opportunities on Goat.Tech, focusing on Standard and Degen modes and the ten types of rewards.

Understanding Standard and Degen Modes

Which mode bring more benefits to you?

Goat.Tech offers two distinct modes of earning, each catering to different risk appetites and investment strategies: Standard mode (self-staking ETH) and Degen mode (staking ETH in others' pools).

Standard Mode and Degen Mode

Standard Mode: Self-Staking ETH

Standard mode: Self-Staking ETH

The Standard mode is a risk-free way of earning rewards on Goat.Tech.

At Goat.Tech, you have a “Trust Pool” and your mission is to fill it up. This boosts your Trust Score (On-chain Reputation) and helps you earn $ETH yields and $GOAT.

Each person has a Trust Pool, which stands for his/her trustworthiness

In this mode, you will stake ETH in your own pool at zero costs, rally others to stake in your pool. The more $ETH people stake in (join) your pool, and the longer they lock, the higher your Trust Score gets.

The more $ETH people stake in (join) your pool, and the longer they lock, the higher your Trust Score gets.

With a high Trust Score, you stand out, attracting more stakers and subsequently boosting your earnings.

Self-staking gains = ETH yields + $GOAT + up to 5% of staking volume in your pool

Degen Mode: Staking ETH in Others' Pools

Degen mode: Stake ETH in other’s pool

In Degen mode, you stake $ETH in others' pools and validate trust. Although this mode includes a 5% fee, it's risk-free since only you can unstake your stake; the pool owner can't access your funds.

Staking gains = ETH yields + $GOAT + up to 3% of staking volume in each pool + private Telegram channel

+ 30% of pool owner’s earnings if being the biggest staker + exclusive access/benefits

These rewards make Degen mode an attractive option for users looking to maximize their earnings.

Exploring the Ten Types of Rewards:

10 types of rewards in Goat.Tech

Goat.Tech stands out in the realm of Web3 platforms by offering ten different types of rewards. Here's a detailed rundown:

  1. Pool Reward: This is where your earnings begin on Goat.Tech. Whenever someone stakes in your pool, you instantly earn 2% of the staking volume. This empowers users to build trust and reputation within the platform, attracting others to stake in their pool.

Pool Rewards

2. Staker Reward: When you stake ETH in another user's pool early on, you earn a Staker Reward every time someone else stakes in that pool after you.

3. Mining Reward (Reputation Yield): This reward is all about trusting the right people by staking $ETH in their pool. As a reward for trusting the most reputable people, you earn GOAT tokens every block.

4. Trustor Reward:

  • Staking Power depends on how much $ETH you've staked and for how long it's locked in the pool.

  • Trustor = the one who has the highest Staking Power in a pool. Each user can have only 1 Trustor.

Trustor is the one who have the most Staking Power in your pool

  • Your Trustees = all users who have you as their Trustor. You can have unlimited Trustees.

Trustee is the one who have you as their Trustor

  • The system operates like a flywheel: the more $ETH a Trustee earns, the more their Trustor earns, which incentivizes others to stake more to become the Trustor, increasing the Trustee's earnings.

  • Trustees can adjust their Trustor Reward Rate, which determines the percentage of their earnings shared with the Trustor.

Here are some best practices to maximize your Trustor Reward (in $ETH and $GOAT):

  • Stake the most $ETH in the pool of your chosen Trustees for an extended period.

  • Trustor status is not permanent. If your Staking Power exceeds that of the current Trustor, you will take over the role.

  • If you lose a Trustee, use the Trustor Cost to regain control.

    5. Staking Reward: Simply staking ETH can earn you more ETH during Phase 1 and Restaking yield during Phase 2.

    6. Fee Reward: You can earn ETH from Protocol fees.

    7. Airdrop Reward: You can earn ETH and GOAT from the Airdrop Fund.

    8. Challenge Reward: Goat.Tech rewards those who help maintain a trustworthy environment. Successfully challenging wrong-doers can get you ETH.

    9. Defense Reward: Just as you can earn by challenging, you can also earn ETH by successfully defending against challenges, with an attractive annual percentage rate (APR) of 365%.

    10. Voting Reward: Vote on reputation challenges can also get you ETH.

Benefits for early participants on dApp Mainnet:

The Goat.Tech protocol will go live on Arbitrum Mainnet

The Goat.Tech protocol will go live on Arbitrum Mainnet on May 13th, 2024.

Why Arbitrum?

Arbitrum, praised by Vitalik Buterin as the first and currently only stage 1 rollup, is the most popular Ethereum Layer 2 with the highest Total Value Locked (TVL). In the future, Goat.Tech is open to deploying Goat.Tech on other blockchain networks and providing an API that consolidates an individual’s Total Trust Score from various blockchain networks.

Benefits of participating in Mainnet Event and stake ETH early:

  1. Self-Stake with no fee, no risk, only profit;

  2. Farm the most Mainnet Points the earliest (convertible to $GOAT after TGE);

  3. Attract all early stakers and earn up to 5% of staking volume in your pool;

  4. Get early Invite Code to start referring others, earn 20% Mainnet Points from direct referrals and 5% from indirect referrals;

  5. Stake first in KOLs/whales you refer (ask them to create account and send you their Profile link first) to become their "Trustor" and start earning 30% of their earnings.

Trust-to-Earn Best Practices - Road to the top of Goat.Tech Leaderboards

  1. Always use a new address to join Goat.Tech, to avoid snipers.

  2. Self-stake first to save 5% out of the 6% fee.

  3. If you find promising Trustees→ stake in their pools.

  4. If you find promising Trustors → ask them to stake in your pool.

  5. If you have limited funds → find Stakers & Trustor first.

  6. If you have ample funds → find Trustees first.

  7. Utilize 3 Leaderboards to maximize your Earnings:

Utilize 3 Leaderboards to maximize your Earnings

  • Hall of Fame: Features users with the highest Trust Score. Stake your $ETH to maximize your Mining Rewards ($GOAT).

  • Rising Stars: Showcases users with the fastest-growing staked $ETH. Stake in their pools to earn the most Staker Rewards ($ETH).

  • Top Earners: Features the highest-earning users. Staking the most $ETH in their pools earns you the most Trustor Rewards ($ETH & $GOAT).

  1. Always Re-stake your Earning balance.

  2. Always Vote on new Challenges. Vote as early as possible.

  3. Set high Trustor Reward Rate and Kickback Rate.

  4. Refresh Earning as often as possible; Withdraw Earning as little as possible.

  5. Earn and stake as much GOAT as possible.


Goat.Tech offers a variety of strategies to earn rewards and build a strong reputation. Remember, the key to success on Goat.Tech is not just about how much $ETH and $GOAT you stake, but also about who you trust and who trusts you.

Goat.Tech extends beyond earnings; it's about building an innovative on-chain reputation system within the Web3 community. By staking wisely and actively participating in the platform, users can validate the trustworthiness of people while getting rewarded. This unique aspect paves the way for a new era of on-chain reputation and yield generation.

GOAT.Tech Updates:

Testnet Milestones:

Arb Testnet Milestones

We successfully launched the protocol on the Arb Testnet, gaining 46K users, along with a substantial amount of 212K ETH staked and 4,1K ETH & 7,9M GOAT harvested in just one month.

GOAT Mainnet Updates:

The Goat.Tech protocol will go live on Arbitrum Mainnet

The Goat.Tech protocol will go live on Arbitrum Mainnet on May 13th, 2024.

Benefits of participating in Mainnet Event and stake ETH early:

  • Self-Stake with no fee, no risk, only profit;

  • Farm the most Mainnet Points the earliest (convertible to $Goat after TGE);

  • Attract all early stakers and earn up to 5% of staking volume in your pool;

  • ⁠Get early Invite Code to start referring others, earn 20% Mainnet Points from direct referrals and 5% from indirect referrals;

  • Stake first in KOLs/whales you refer (ask them to create account and send you their Profile link first) to become their "Trustor" and start earning 30% of their earnings.

Goat.Tech Social Channels:

Here's a list of official Goat.Tech channels. To ensure security, always double-check the URLs before accessing them.

Website: https://goat.tech/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/goatxtech

Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/goatxtech

Telegram Group Chat: https://t.me/goatxtech_global

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JSsWuPVVkV

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/goatxtech
