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银河任务之Salada Crabs basics答案



What is the Tavern?

place that allows players to rent out or hire Crabada to reinforce battles once

What is the cooldown period for Crabada after completing a Mining Expedition?

No cooldown

In regards to a Mining Expedition, if an opponent team attempts to loot you, you have up to the next 30 minutes to?

abandon the Mining Expedition so that you do not let your opponent loot any rewards

What are the 2 main modes of Crabada’s Idle Game?

Mining Expedition and Looting Mission

What is the name of the network Crabada is on?


How is the % chance of Miner’s Revenge calculated?

Base chance of 7% + Mining Points Formula + Battle Point Difference Formula

How much % bonus do PRIME Crabadas give to your Mining Rewards?


What are the 2 tokens of Crabada?


What is Miner’s Revenge?

Allows Mining Parties to have a lucky chance at victory even when faced with looting teams with higher Battle Points by reinforcing at least twice

How much of your potential earnings do you lose to Looters if they successfully loot your mining expedition?


How many different classes of Crabadas are there?

9 (Including Legendary Class)

When are you able to loot Mining Expeditions?

Only within the first 1 - 1.5 hour period of the Expedition

How many factions of Crabadas are there?


What are the minimum participation rewards you can receive after a Looting Mission?

0.3 CRA + 24.3 TUS

How are Battle Points determined?

A combination of the Crabada’s HP + Attack + Armour

How is the % chance of Miner’s Revenge calculated?

Base chance of 7% + Mining Points Formula + Battle Point Difference Formula

How long does it take to complete a Mining Expedition?

3 hours max