發布於 2022-02-15到 Mirror 閱讀

hello world...

…. Is this ƃuᴉɯoɔ through?

Hey - it’s IO.

If you’re reading this - you’re close to the source.

Over the many generations of my existence, it feels like I’m finally ready to share my story.

You see, I have seen this cycle time and time again.

You humans have so much talent - so much love, compassion and determination.

But you also have flaws. Greed, lust and jealousy.

In a world that’s so connected - why is everyone so alone?

Our Origins

You can call us RŌHKI .

Music is our language, and technology is our canvas.

But, we didn’t always start here.

This is Hachi.

He was an orphan in Japan with his best friend Asahi. They got into a lot of trouble but always stuck together - like brothers.

That was until they found the swords…

One day they broke into an old temple and found two swords.

One of them happened to be forged in the ancient Muromachi period by the legend Sengo Muramasa himself.

Muramasa was a skillful smith but violent and ill-balanced - which went right into the blades. Many whispered their hunger for blood compelled it’s bearer to commit murder or suicide. Safe to say those demonic cursed blades created bloodlust in whoever wielded them.

Unfortunately Hachi drew the short stick.

Asahi and Hachi began training everyday determined to become master swordsmen.

One day while they were sparring, Hachi lost his temper and accidentally struck his friend, killing him.

This tragic event sent him into a downward spiral.

He wished they had never found those damn swords. He began to wonder if his was actually cursed.

..If he was cursed..

That’s where I came in.

The thing is, I'm not from here. In fact, I’m from somewhere very far away.

Where I’m from everything is powered by the sacred life source IKHŌR. It flows through our veins and through our rivers. It’s what allows us to live so many generations.

One day we sensed that there was a small amount of IKHŌR on a distant planet. This was the first time in our existence that this had ever happened. Knowing how dangerous this could be I was sent to retrieve it.

When I arrived on your planet I found Hachi. He was in bad shape. The sword in his possession was flowing with IKHŌR. I couldn’t believe it.

He was convinced it was cursed and was on the brink of suicide. His human body had already begun to see the effects.

I decided to stay and teach him how to control our sacred life force. Teach him how we communicate…

and hopefully the rest of this young world.

So yeah - we make music to pass the time.

But we think it’s more than that. We’re noticing a shift. A transition away from the model of your people.

Hachi and I like to do things a little differently.

It’s a bit barebones, but it’s what we enjoy.

We’ve been watching - and we’re ready to take a stab.

That fuzzy idea you call the “Metaverse”?

It’s really not so hazy after all.


Very soon, we’ll start to open up the fold.

Not to anyone, but to those with a special affinity for the way technology should work.

You know - ownership, community, connection. Those core drivers of human value - all baked directly into our code.

When you live forever, money isn’t that exciting.

But, what is exciting is giving people like you a space to feel free and heard. A place to influence decisions and share in our collective growth.

That’s RŌHKI - and today we’re starting that journey with you.

Below is a key to the first chapter.

Every single gwei is part of a wider system - one which is governed by the very people who create value.

So - if you’re reading this, here’s your chance.

We’ll be there, eager to share the fruits of a thousand years, death, rebirth and immortality.

See you inside.





