Culture Clap

發布於 2022-05-31到 Mirror 閱讀

Y0W0: Weekly ReGen Races

We’re making a weekly publication for ReGen using jokedao’s toolset to surface the conversations regens most want to get out into the world each week!

  • Proposals will open at midnight on Thursday; proposals will close at noon.
  • Voting will open at noon on Friday; voting will end at midnight, that same day.

Then we’ll publish briefs on the top conversations the following week here on Mirror; which we’ll enable folks to collect.

In fact, you can collect this genesis edition for ~$50 right now!

This being the genesis edition, it will be a bit special; as the remaining publications will be much cheaper to collect.

This really is the place to start … for everything … and so our story will begin …

Fantastic Realities

To some there are no more two frightening words in the English language, and to others, nothing could be more attractive; which side are you on ?

Regardless, we all think that we are capable of greatness; which we are.

For some, a fantastic reality might be managing a laundromat with someone you loved; and to others, it would be gallivanting around the world. So what is the underlying sensation for which we hunger … what is the common denominator ?

A desire to belong, while simple, doesn’t catch it all … imo; it is rather a desire to be appreciated for what we have to offer, and for it to be enough. And most are willing to put forth effort to these ends.

At its core regenerative systems need to take this zeal, direct it, amplify it, and make sure that the proceeds are returned to the source … from which the source is able to determine dissemination patterns for themselves.

Each individual is able to be a source, each individual is also able to receive, direct and amplify the energy of others … proceeds being returned to source, is because only the source knows how by which they arrived at what they created/emitted.

So how do we create structures that enable this manner of current?

What follows is my idea … and how I arrived to wish to create these mechanisms, beginning with the regen/refi community.

Heal the World, Make It a Better Place

Do you remember that Micheal Jackson song?

I think I was in fourth-grade when it came out … and I learned to play it on the piano as well …

Though, that is the goal isn’t it?

To heal the world …

How does one go about that ?

Answer: People need to get more civically informed, empowered and engaged.

Problem: Looks around and gestures wildly …

Solution: Make an app that aggregates government/civic events by utilizing web-scrapers.

Problem: Too many web-scrapers to make and maintain.

Solution: Build a community by writing curriculum to teach people how to code; while enabling students to contribute to the civic app, and get paid. Rebel Coding

Problem: Not everyone speaks English; we need to make things accessible to those in developing countries.

Solution: Build a methodology and application to teach/practice language acquisition and pronunciation. idioke

Though we have another problem … we are working at the edges of society and the developed world … at times, even on the outskirts of the developing world.

We need a way to keep in-contact with those at the forefront of the developed world; and Weekly Regen is the mechanism.

Each week we will ask the community what conversations they want to lift up; and from this call, we will answer with quality reporting, and elaboration, on the topics requested.

I have experience doing journalism from a desk for Colombia Reports, while I now produce a quasi-monthly column for Latino Rebels.

From this foundation we will begin crafting engaging and illuminating content each week. I cannot promise that we will be perfect, or exemplary from the start; but I can promise that we will persevere, while delivering content the community requests.

Weekly Regen’s Evolution

Eventually we can start commissioning contributors; by generating and serving a relatively known demand, we can built a structure to create content. We can then use this structure for new entrants to hone their own skills, while being compensated.

Each month, at least four races will take place, asking the following questions: What is/are the … from the week?

  • Top News
  • Top Q’s
  • Top Crews
  • Top Tools

Each race will likely have multiple proposals submitted, which means multiple journalistic leads to follow. Though for now, we will begin with one question per week … and in this manner, hopefully, begin to gain traction, while serving the community; and connecting the community others within.

Governmental Games

We will also be introducing a token for gameplay; as these races are paired with another tool -- a calendar.

Calendar contributors will also receive a token for their contribution; as the Weekly Regen races accelerate and grow, we will play games with who can answer which questions … remember, we are collaborating with jokedao to pull this all off :)

Who is Culture Clap / canin.eth ?

I was born in Colombia, and adopted as an infant to the United States; I am now in the process of reconnecting with the land in which I was born, and her people. Genetically, my phenotypic presentation is that of a Mhuysca, while I have connected with members of their community, and remain in contact.

In this manner, I identify as indigenous. The perspective by which I’ve arrived at this work, the path taken to here; it has not been an easy path, nor one which a reasonable individual would take by choice. But alas, here we are …

On a personal note, some have said that I am angry, or have tendencies to lash out … We need to be able to see beyond the colonial projections we’ve been fed.

Putting children in cages is infuriating; and not all prisons have walls.

At a later time, I will return to elaborate on the following topics:

  • Playful Competition for Prescient Conversations
  • Removing Language Barriers to Conversation
  • Empowering New Creators / Builders
  • Engaging New Community Crafters

In doing so, I will attempt to weave connective tissues between each of the projects, and how they all lead back to your participation in helping me to surface the most urgent and necessary conversations within the regen community.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this; and if you’re able, we'd love for you to collect this genesis Optimism NFT!

Canin Carlos Apriori-Mendoza DreamFreely Labs Lead Researcher

Year Zero Week Zero